(Chapter 5) Why is this happening

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3rd person view 

The next morning Ace woke up to the IV being pulled out of her arm. Looking over she saw Kia pulling in out, Ace watched quietly. Liam came in to the room with a hoodie and threw it to Ace when he saw she was awake. "put it on" Liam said. Ace nodded and did what she was told once Kia let go of her arm. "We are gonna take you back to the infirmary" Kia said getting up. Ace nodded  and tried to sit up but pain shot threw her side making her fall back on the bed. She groaned in pain as she curled up and held her side. "Ya you're gonna get the bandages changed too" Kia said. Then he picked Ace up and Liam took her journal, and started walking toward the infirmary. Ace noticed that they looked as if they are going out for something but she didn't know for what and it didn't seem as though they were going to tell her. They were walking in the halls, well more like streets. People were walking around, talking with friends while kids ran around and played with each other. It was kinda nice to see people enjoying their life. They got to the infirmary, Kia put her down on her bed and then covered her lower body with the blanket. Liam had gone over and grabbed a change of bandages, some lotion, and rubbing alcohol. He walk over to the bed and Kia brought the rolling table over to the bed. Liam put the stuff on it and turned to Ace. "Lift up your shirt for me please" Liam asked as he puts on some rubber gloves. Ace just nods in response and lifts her shirt up so Liam and Kia could see the bandages. Liam takes the bandages off and then lightly touched it to see how tight the muscles were around the bite. Ace let go of her shirt and threw her head back closing her eyes as tight as she could, and let out a small cry of pain. Kia took the job of holding her shirt up so it wouldn't fall in the way of Liam, he also put his hand on Aces head and rubbed it in a comforting manor. Liam the cleaned it with rubbing alcohol which made Ace grit her teeth and try not to scream in pain. Soon though Liam finished and helped Kia to get Ace comfortable again and under the blankets. The two said goodbye to her and left her alone, but as she looked around the room she saw the same kid from last night still unconscious. She had anxiety running through her as she stared at him and memories of what happened the night before started flashing in her head.


Today is December 1st 2150. Today has been a weird day, all day I've had this killer head ache and Im not feeling that great but that's not the weird part. The day started with Kia taking the IV out of my arm and immediately when I woke up I was struck with this head ache. I didn't tell them about that because yes they've helped me a lot and seem to actually care about me, but I still don't trust them. Ive trusted people in the past and have only been hurt in the end, ever since I've cut all ties I have to people and keep to myself a lot more. But after the IV was taken out I tried to sit up but then unbearable pain shot through my side. Kia ended up carrying my back to the infirmary and Liam changed my bandages, but then they left and haven't come back yet. I don't know why but Im kinda nervous like I wanna know they're ok, and sad that if they are ok they haven't come to talk to me. It's just a reminder to me that I shouldn't trust people. Anyway an hour ago the doctors came in and gave the boy a shot and he stoped moving, then they undid the restraints and put him in a body bag. Im still kinda scared that he's still alive and would try to kill me or something. The doctors have only given me that shot once today and my body is starting to ache. I don't think any of the doctors like me and have something agents me. The only good thing is I haven't had to eat today because they haven't brought me food which I know that if Ace and Liam where here they wouldn't like that and wake me up in the middle of the night and force me to eat. Im going to stop for now and come back in a couple of hours.

The last few hours have been rough. Im scared because someone came in and told me I needed to leave. I tried to question this strange man but he just grabbed my arm and dragged me out then threw me in the back of a car. We drove for what felt like hours but Im almost positive that we were going in circles. He threw me out of the car onto the streets and drove away as fast as the car would go. I was scared to move for an hour or so and I just laid on the ground crying. Eventually it started getting dark and I knew if I didn't find a place to hide soon them I would be turned into zombie chow. Thankfully I was able to find  this old subway kart, even though Im freezing and my body aches are getting I knew I had to record this.

-Ace out


3rd person view

Ace had a very bad panic attack that night that caused her to pass out. The next morning she found that she was unable to move and even if she tried to talk it was too painful. She had a day full of crying in pain and anxiety attacks all of which made her to be in more pain. Despite how much pain it caused her, she did manage to lay on her side and she still is unable to stop crying and having panic attacks. Meanwhile at the base Liam and Kia are checking the security footage of the infirmary to see what happened to Ace because they were told she died. They watched the footage of the whole day and a half that they were gone and where very pissed off at the way people were treating her. No one gave her her shot and no one gave her food, in fact no one even interacted with her. But as soon as they saw one of their men drag her out of the building an throwing her in the back of a car they were ready to kill.

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