(Chapter 6) Safety net

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3rd person view 

Liam and Kia immediately found the man who dragged Ace out of the building. The mans name was Jim, he had a reputation for being an asshole and a dick. No one liked Jim, especially Liam and Kia after seeing what he did. Not to say that they weren't mad at the doctors who were suppose to me taking care of Ace, because that was next on their to do right after finding Ace. Once they found him the two dragged him to a van and threw him in it, and forced him to tell them were he dropped Ace off.


Aces Journal Entry

Today is December 4th 2150. It's so cold that Im shaking while I am writing, well its not just the cold its also because my body still hurts very badly and Im still very scared. I haven't had the strength to move since I was dropped off here, the pain was too much. I am fighting through the pain to write this because I know I should at least try to document my life down here. How I wish Liam and Kia would come find me but I don't think they will care, after all no one has ever cared that much about me even my parents. I honestly hate it out here, being on my own its scary and I feel so alone. Ive had some close calls with some zombies, a Howler and a nightcrawler. Thank god I couldn't move or talk because nightcrawler are dependent on sound or movement to hunt. I still can't talk, it hurts way too much. Its getting late and Im getting tired so for now.

-Ace out


3rd person view

Ace managed to lay back down even though it hurt so bad. Though she could hear a car engine in the background it didn't occur to her that she should try to get help. Soon headlights shined through the windows on the subway kart because yes it was not underground, no one knows how it got where it is today. Two doors opened and shut then a third one opened and was slamed shut. "This is it" Liam said looking and Jim. Jim sheepishly nodded in response. Ace heard Liams voice and knew they were looking for her, but it's not like she could yell for help or anything. "It better be" Kia said in an angry voice. Then he took out a thermal camera and angled it toward the Subway kart to make sure it was working alright. His eyes widened when he saw a heat signature. Liam noticed and stepped closer to his husband. "Whats up" he asked. "Ace, I think she's in the kart". With out missing a beat Liam ran into the kart to see Ace laying on old moldy floors of the subway kart, she was covered in dirt and blood. He got on his knees next to Ace and picked her up gently, Kia then walking in and heard a little groan of pain come from Ace. He was relieved that she was alive after all this and he also knew that he would never let this happen again, he had a feeling Liam was thinking it too. "Hey, I need you to wake up" Liam said in a low comforting whisper. Ace opened her eyes slowly and looked up at him. "we're going to take you back to the base ok" Kia said in a whisper. Ace gave a small head nod even though it was painful to do so. It definitely didn't go unnoticed by Liam and Kia that it caused her pain. Liam picked her up and carried her out to the car, while Kia picked up her journal. Kia waked out and opened the door for Liam to place her in the seat. "Theres gonna be a loud bang ok, Kia will stay with you and cover your ears" Liam said before moving out of the way so Kia can stand there. Kia adjusted her seat so she was almost laying back then he placed his hands over her ears and used his thumbs to rub her face. Then there was a loud bang as promised by Liam, even though she knew about it and Kia was  covering her ears it still made her jump in surprise. It didn't take long for Liam to come back and have him and Kia in the car driving back to the base. As soon as they arrived back they took Ace to the infirmary and put her on a bed. They collected the bandage material and another IV, before picking Ace up again and walking back to their apartment. Once they got back there they took Ace to the bathroom and helped her take a bath. Then changed her into some of their clothes, laid her on the bed, and took all the medical stuff out. Liam lifted her shirt up after putting her head in his lap so Kia could change the bandages. Ace was crying because of how much it hurt, Kia and Liam felt bad that she had to enduro all of this pain but they also knew it was necessary for her survival. After the bandages were changed then they put the IV in her arm and laid down next to her. They turned the lights off and went to sleep with Ace in the middle of them. 


Aces Journal Entry

Today is technically the 5th because its 12 A.M, but Im gonna keep it as the 4th of December 2150. Ya I knows its been a while but I just woke up or at least I think I did, it all still feels like a dream. When I awoke Liam and Kia where laying down next to me. I managed to sneak out of the bed, although I did pull the IV out of my arm but its fine. Im in the bathroom right now writing this so I don't wake the two of them up. What's has happened  in the past few hours is all still a blur to me I do remember hearing their voices and then opening my eyes to see Liam and then Kia, I remember the bang and being scared by it. I also remember this feeling that I had when I saw them, it felt warm, safe, and homey. It still scared me thinking about the past 4 days, just the thought of how weak and defense less I was is enough to make me wanna cry. I hear some noises coming from the bedroom, I think they're up and looking for me so I guess 

-Ace Out


3rd person view

Liam woke up and once he realized that Ace wasn't there he woke up Kia. They both panicked and started looking all over for her. Liam then noticed a light coming from the bathroom and that the door was slightly cracked open. He opened it to see Ace sitting on the floor putting away her journal, Liam quickly waked over and kneeled down next to her. Ace kept her head low. "Why are you in here" Liam questioned. Ace just shrugged and keeps her gaze on the floor. Kia came in and once he saw her and Liam together he quickly relaxed and sat down on the other side of her. "You should be in bed you know" Kia said placing his hand on her back. "I know" Ace said very quietly. "Do you mind going and getting another IV for her" asked Liam and Kia nodded getting up. "Can't you just use the same one from earlier" she questioned. "no, it's not safe" Kia said leaving. "Come on give me the journal" Liam said holding his hand out for her to place it in. Ace did and Liam got up and went to the bedroom and placed it in the bedside table drawer. He returned quickly and picked up Ace and carried her back to bed. "where did you guys go" Ace questioned. Liam sat next to her with his back resting on the head board. "We went on a mission to Boston to retrieve some very important supplies, it wouldn't have taken us so long if those damn people wouldn't have tried to kill us" Liam said pulling the covers over Ace's body. Kia had returned and came over to put the IV in her arm. She was reluctant but eventually she did give him her arm and he put the IV in. Then they all went back to sleep.

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