(Chapter 8) Poison

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Third Person View

Ace knew she would have to leave the box at some point due to the night Crawlers. She just hoped she could steak it out until morning then she would move on to another place. Sitting there she realized that she had left everything she had at the base, even her journal. Ace started to silently cry as she realized what she had done. She had left everything she owned and the only two people who actually cared about her behind. It was dark out and the noises of the monsters moving through the woods echoed through out the ever lasting night. 

In the base Liam and Kia where finally able to go back to their apartment after the incident happened. They had a trey of food for Ace, even thought it was like 1:53 AM they needed her to eat. But once they got back and went into the bedroom they found it empty. Liam put the trey down on the table and started searching the apartment with Kia. They see the IV thats suppose to be in Ace pulled out and laying on the carelessly thrown covers. After confirming she wasn't there they ran to the security room to check the footage. They watched as Ace walked out of the room in a panic and make her way to the garage, it seemed like she was looking for someone. Maybe it was them she was looking for. They saw her walking into the garage and her turn around as if something was behind her. She made her way to the door leading outside, stepping out they saw her looking around and when she turned to head back in the door was shut and locked by who knows what. Then she took off running. "OH NO, OH NO, OH NO" Kia was starting to freak out. "We can't lose her, we can't" he said hugging Liam. "We won't, we are going to find her". Liam picked up his panicking husband and headed back to their apartment. Kia was so scared that she was dead he couldn't function right. He was having a panic attack. Liam sat down on their couch and comforted his husband until he calmed down. "Ok, I know we agreed we would never do this but we have to look in her journal, maybe she knew a place to go" Liam said getting up. They opened her journal as started reading through the entries, eventually they came across the one about the mine so they decided to head their first thing in the morning. The two contended to read through the entries and became saddened about the many panic attacks she has had, her anxiety. The became enraged at the people on the space station for how she was treated and even sadder  at the fact they where the only one's who cared for her. This just made the two of them more protective over her. They already knew they loved her, and now they knew she loved them but because she never experienced love before she didn't know what she was feeling. 

Morning came and Ace decided to climb out and take in her surroundings.  It was cold because it was the middle of winter and she only had on shorts, a sports bra, and Liam's hoodie. So the first thing she wanted to find was warmth or at least a blanket. It was kinda sketchy by the mine due to the amount of Night Crawlers, but they can't leave the caves during the day because they will burn to a crisp. She found some old wood and a box of matches, which was extremely lucky. Ace piled the wood up and struck a match to make a fire. It kept her warm until she heard the sound of people talking. 'shit they must have seen the smoke' she thought to herself. Ace wanted to run away but the fire's warmth was forcing her to stay. She saw the group approaching, there were three men and one women and they looked like trouble. "Hey what do we have here, looks like someone lost their way" on of the men who was bald said. "Bet she feels good" another said who had a giant scar across his face. They kept approaching but Ace couldn't move, she was frozen in place. One of the men who had plain brown hair grabbed her upper arm "H-hey l-l-et me go" Ace stuttered as she struggled against his grip. "Nah, I don't think I will" he said griping her arm tighter. "Hey why isn't she wearing a mask" the lady said. "I don't know and don't care" the bald guy said. Ace threw her head back and hit the guy who was holding her square in the nose. "HEY" he yelled as Ace tried her best to run away, but failing. "looks like we got a runner" The scar faced man said. The three men surrounded her and started beating her. She cried and screamed, even begged for them to stop, but they never did. It lasted for 20 minutes until the sound of a cars approaching made them stop. Ace took this chance to make a run for it. She could hear the cars screeching to a stop and multiple doors opening. People where yelling but she couldn't make out what they where saying. She ran into the woods until she fell down a steep and rocky hill. She screamed and cried even more as she fell and hit the bottom. Her vision blurred, but she could make out two figure running toward her.

Liam's POV

As we pulled up to the mine we saw Ace being beaten by three weird dudes. They heard us coming and turned to look, thank god they did because that gave Ace time to run. As soon as we where close enough we stopped the cars and get out. Kia and I run after Ace, while our friends take care of these assholes. "ACE, STOP" Kia yell's but she doesn't stop. She is probably having a panic attack. We run faster to grabber her but before we get to her she falls down a steep and rocky hill. It broke my heart to hear her screams and cries as she fell and I could tell it broke Kia's too. We carefully made our way down to Ace she was crying and all beat up, her breathing was erratic and shallow. We sit down with her and try to calm her down. She eventually realizes it's us and completely breaks down crying. "sshh Ace, you're ok, its just us" Kia said holding her tight and slightly rocking. I sigh and put one hand on his shoulder and another on Ace's. "Come on let's get back home".  Kia nods and gets up, adjusting Ace so he was holding her bridal style. We head back to the car's and Kia gets in the back of our car holding Ace as she cried. I got in the driver's seat and started the car. I heard over our radio that our friends have detained those low lives that beat Ace. We all drove home, I told Kia to bring Ace to our apartment and stay there until I come back. Once we get out of the car he heads straight to our apartment and I head over to talk to our friend and to get River. River is the head of our medical team, she had nothing to do with how Ace was treated, she mostly works with those who need surgery or people who are about to die. The reason we didn't have her work with Ace in the first place was because she was out of town on a mission with some of our other friends.

Third Person View

Kia carried the crying Ace back to their apartment and laid her on their bed. He laid down next to her and held her while she cried. He rubbed her back to help calm her down, Ace held onto his hoodie as if her life depended on it. Soon Liam came back with River and they started the proses of bandaging her up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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