Give her back!

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(Dolores Pov)

I was running as i held Mirabel and 2 villagers was chasing us. Why can't they just leave us alone! Its annoying to be honest why can't they just let us be. More villagers came and soon cornered us by the river. I held onto Mirabel to make sure she doesn't fall into the water. "Dolores and Mirabel Madrigal you can't run anymore." A villager said as i glared at them. Meanwhile Mirabel was in her 3 year old headspace and she sat down to grab a flower. Soon the people cleared to make way for Alma.. I can't make it anymore clear how much i hate that woman. "Dolores Madrigal why did you take your tia's child and try to leave the encanto!?" Hm so they did find my diary that i forgot to bring. Oh well i guess it's time to fess up. "Oh tia's child? I don't recall her having a child after luisa, this child is mine." I been claimed Mirabel ever since she was left in my care 13 years ago. Alma looked surprised but stern like always. "Mirabel isn't your chil-" I cut her off. "You have no right to say her name after what you put her through all these years!" I glared at her, if looks could kill then everyone here minus Mirabel would be dead in an instant. Soon Tia Julieta and Mami came up looking worried. "Dolores where have you been we were worried!" Mami exclaimed as i roll my eyes. "You guys weren't worried stop lying...and i was with my niño." I say then tia spoke. "Dolores sweetie may i please have Mirabel?" I pulled Mirabel closer once Tia stepped closer. " Aren't taking her away from me!" I was beyond angry why would they want her now that we were about to leave!? "Listen we aren't gonna take her away we just need to get you both to the casita." Tia spoke again. "You're lying!" They want to take away the only person keeping me sane right now. Right when Alma was about to speak a voice was heard. "Mira come to me." I reconized the voice as Isabela. Mirabel looked at her then waddled then i spoke. "Mariposa no stay here with me." Mirabel smiled and stayed near me as i pick her up. "Like i said you aren't taking her away from me!" "Dolores listen to us. We're just taking you guys back to the casita." Mami spoke then i was captured by my own papi! I looked as Mirabel was picked up by Isabela. How could she take my niño!

"Give her back!"

I will protect my prima (Evil Dolores and Little Mirabel)Where stories live. Discover now