Her voice.

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The song in this fan fic is from Fable 2. It's called 'Hammer's song', and is one of my favourite poems. Enjoy le chappy guys. ;).

(Name) stepped warily from the shower, being sure not to slip. He grabbed her towel, wrapped it around her body, and wandered into the bedroom.

Oh...Onee-San isn't back yet.

Shrugging, she grabbed her brush from the top of her drawers and sat down on her bed. She began humming a song that her mother would sing to her as a child, and before she could hold it back, she was singing.

"Down by the reeds~ Down by the reeds~
Swim the sirens of Oakvale,
Out to the seas~

Down by the reeds~ Down by the reeds~
Float the souls left unbroken by white balverines~

Down by the reeds~
Night blooming weeds embrace those who go dancing in sad moon-lit dreams~

Down by the reeds~
A twisted path leads,
To banshees who breathe out a cold winter breeze~

Nobody knows~ Nobody sees...
The sirens of Oakvale...
Down by the reeds~"

She hadn't noticed the entranced boy, stood frozen by the door. His heart thumping rapidly against his chest as he watched the sparsely dressed female sing, and brush her soaked, (h/c) tresses.

Her voice floated into his ears like the most beautiful of melodies. He hadn't heard anything quite like it. He couldn't describe it... But he knew that even if he could, he would never be able to find the appropriate words to correctly explain such beauty.


He whispered, gripping the girls attention. She turned and smiled at him, setting her brush down.

He didn't return her smile, he couldn't. He was so transfixed, he couldn't bring himself to do anything.



He just stared.

Begining to grown worried, she got up and moved over to him. Placing a gentle hand on his forehead. (Name) frowned feeling no abnormal heat, and pulled her hand back.

Sabo's eyes were still locked onto hers, which made (Name) blush a little bit.

Why is he staring at me?

She wondered silently.


She asked quietly, taking another small step forward. Afraid for a moment that his heart had stopped, she placed her hands on his chest, and places her left ear of his heart.


It wasn't still at all. It was actually beating too fast.

Her hands remained on his chest, her finger tips resting on the skin his shirt didn't cover. Her head tipped back, sparkling (e/c) gazing with concern into his.

Slowly, his eye lids lowered. Covering his bright, blue eyes half way. His hands moved tentatively from his side, hands settling on her waist again and pulling her close.

One hand moved from her waist, sliding up to rest on her ever darkening cheek.

All sense of thought and rationality slipped away, his head lowered to hers. (Name) felt her entire body freeze. Her heart stopped, her eyes snapped wide. Within inches of her lips, Sabo stopped.


He sealed the space.

Everything within her body kick started again. Heat flared up from the pit of her stomach, surging her heart into a frenzy.

Her ears, nose and cheeks turned crimson as her eyes focused on his face. His eye lids were closed gently, head cocked slightly to the right to avoid bumping noses.

She reciprocated.

Her fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt, eye lids drooping as a tsunami of emotions washed over her.

What the hell are you doing?!

He's basically your brother, this is sick!

Once their lips parted, they panted warmly against the two sets of flesh that had been connected. Once again their eyes locked, and Sabo's widened when he realized what he had just done. He swallowed, head turning away.

"Gomen-nasai....I...don't know what came over me."

(Name) nodded. The exact same words wanting to fall past her lips. She released her grip on his chest, and moved back. Arm moving to keep a grip on her towel.

"Dinner is ready..."

He mumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Dragon-San insisted we eat with the others..."

(Name) nodded, grabbing and change of clothes and headed to the bathroom. The second the door closed, Sabo sighed. Leaning against the closed door, he ran a hand through his hair.


He hissed at himself, dropping his head against the door.

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