Chapter 13: "Saving Metro Division" Musical Battlefield

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Through the streets of a district whose colors and aspects resembled the industrial environment represented in shades of different grays with brightly colored neon lights. BBJ was on his way to possibly the most popular boy band in Vinyl City, 1010. Along the way, they ran into small patrols of Peons, Shooters and the occasional Grunt who accompanied them, which they finished off with great ease, little by little the rock duo entered more and more in the district where soon, they would enter a great musical battlefield that would be formed by a fight for territories between both sides, being the Discordants and NSR.

Zuke: Alright May, this is my first time saying this, ready to join in the action? -I would ask while running until I reached the edge of a railing to immediately take a double jump and observe the battle that was being formed by some groups of Discordants and NSR Drones-

Mayday: I'm always ready, Zuke! -He would agree to the initiative of his friend while looking up to do the same as him to observe the confrontation while in the air- Here little rascals!

The guitarist's scream would draw the attention of a quartet of Peons and a couple of Shooters and then these armed discordants would open fire on the rock duo who would descend in a swooping attack which would take down the unfortunate Peons who could do nothing to stop them defend themselves while their fellow Shooters would be knocked down by a strong blow from the guitarist that sent them both flying until they crashed into a wall.

|Start Music (Looped)|

A Discordant squad made up of 16 Peons, 6 Three-Shot Shooters and 2 Grunts would advance to face some 8 Jumping Drones and 4 Shooter Drones who were entrenched behind several vehicles positioned to stop their advance. The Shooter Drones opened fire towards some Peons that were getting dangerously close to their position, about 6 Peons had managed to fall before the projectiles fired from the Shooter Drones but, one of them would be destroyed being the first casualty of the other side when receiving the pink projectiles from enemy Shooters. A Grunt would soon be in acceptable distance to start jumping and cannonballing down on a Jumper Drone destroying it with its weight while another Drone of the same type had no luck avoiding the shock wave caused by the same by grabbing it away hit and then crash and be destroyed. A pair of Jumping Drones would respond to his counterattack by jumping in a different chord to create a sonic wave that would hit the stocky discordant which would knock him back but would not be damaging enough to neutralize him, in response the Grunt would stretch out his right arm to strike his fist against the center of the Drone's body, denting and destroying it, another Shooter Drone would concentrate their shots on the robust jarring to finish it off, knocking it backwards as it vanished.

Mayday and Zuke would go to support the entrenched defense who were in trouble, the Discordant Shooters who were concentrating on shooting the Drones without noticing received several surprise blows from the back of BBJ who made them fall without being able to counterattack instead the Peons and the other Grunt realized the presence of the enemy in his rear, which they had problems in not being able to concentrate their attacks in a single point causing both to separate to concentrate on a single enemy, but due to their lack of strategy they would not be able to defeat them , thus ending up falling defeated while their bodies vanished from the blows and shots received from the rock duo and the NSR drones. There were only about 3 Shooting Drones and 5 Jumpers left in the first line of defense.

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