Chapter 16: "Saving Dream Fever" Art Recovery

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—In Metro Division—

Several meters away from the location of the Barraca Mansion, someone would be flying through the air, it would soon descend at high speed to start crashing into several canvas roofs which somewhat cushioned its speed of falling to the ground, but even so , it was heavy enough to cause a small crater so that afterward his body bounced several times until he came to a halt crawling face-first a distance out of sight of his enemies. Primal lay conscious and motionless near an alley while producing incoherent groans in sensation of pain and suffering.

Primal: Aaaay... my face... -He said as he slowly reopened his eyes to know where he was so far- Where the hell did they manage to leave me...? Uuhhh... what the hell are these people made of? hahaaahhh... my body feels bad...

Constant words babbled out of his mouth as he tried to move every limb of his body that was practically impossible for the discordant NCO to do. Giving snorts of annoyance that soon became distressing, a rather boring waiting time was taking its toll on him as he kept trying to move using his upper limbs, he barely managed to crawl like a worm as half a meter by half a meter advanced.

Primal: Ahg... aahg... -The effort that could be seen in his facial expressions as he continued to crawl on the cold floor of the alley- Ehm?

Peering around a corner a couple of small, somewhat bright figures known to Petty Officer Discordant were running at full speed towards him.

Primal: A-Ah ha, haha-a, thanks B-brother... -He said feeling exhausted but calm when those small figures arrived, these being discordant Ninjas-

The pair of discordant little ones would carry his superior, each one leaning on the NCO's arms on his shoulders, they would take him away from being noticed in the district and soon, get out of this world.

Primal: Let's hope to meet again... Bunk Bed Junction... -He said for him to fall unconscious, disappearing out of sight through the dark alley-

—Near the Barraca Mansion—

After defeating the Warrant Officer of the Discordant army, BBJ would sit on the ground as they tried to calm the sensations of muscle pain caused by the pair of Lancers who had managed to wound them without causing significant superficial damage.

Mayday: Ouch... -It was the only thing she said, showing a grimace while mainly massaging her legs- I can't believe how lucky I was to be able to get out of that shiny floor

Zuke: Tell me, surviving two gravity blasts is almost added to one of my personal posts right now -I express calmly-

The rock duo while recovering from their muscle pain, Neon J. accompanied by his troop would approach them.

Neon J.: Thank you for helping us in Metro Division and I'm sorry I was late for the action -He bows his head in apology-

Zuke: It's not necessary sir, you were keeping Yinu company at that time -Politely refusing- If it weren't for his men, from the beginning we had somehow become the puppets of that discordant metalhead

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