2nd Season | Chapter 4: Escape

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—With Sayu, Tila and Yinu—

With different worrying emotions they watched the screens whose reporter had reported this unexpected news.

Yinu: I can't believe it! How did he get to the apartment, how could he have dared to rummage through your room and your Stream account?! -She said, sounding angry at the news transmitted-

Sayu: Y-Y-Y-Yes... how could she do it... -Sounding in a low tone and a nervous face, she nodded to what the little pianist said-

Tila noticed her daughter's behavior and immediately comforted her to calm her down.

Sayu: Let's go home -Whispering to her mother so that Yinu wouldn't hear her- I'm worried about what Dad and my Uncles are going to do to her

The blue teenager nodded, she told them both to immediately return to the apartment, the idol and the pianist nodded and walked towards the study apartment.

When they arrived at the building, they both went up to get to the door of their apartment and when they opened it, they were greeted by the boys who also seemed concerned about the news they had seen. The young people now sitting on the sofas in the living room had a conversation about the subject, hiding the fact that they never came out and that they were the ones who took the Discordant and locked him in the cleaning room.

Yinu: I wonder how a Discordant managed to enter the building? -She asked herself while the others were thinking of an answer to divert the topic-

Remi: Who knows? For now we should stay calm, for some reason that monster had left the room, when we arrived, we noticed some small disorder in Sayu's room -He explained; lying, with relaxation-

Yinu had calmed down a little when listening to him, as for Sayu, the Idol felt a little upset inside but, if she showed it she would give herself away and she did not want to explain about Peon for now without Tatiana and the others being present, she only had to wait a moment more for all this to become clear. As the conversation continued, Sayu would get up and head towards a specific direction, Yinu would notice her and get up to accompany her but she was stopped by Tila to tell her to leave her alone for now.

Remi: Where are you going Sayu? -He asked questioningly towards her daughter who had not turned around to answer him in the face-

Sayu: I'll just go to my room to organize my things -She answered neutrally-

The Idol would follow her path while a sigh from the young man with glasses was produced.

Sayu had reached the door of her room to open it and enter her room. She spent a few minutes arranging the small mess that had occurred after Peon's "sudden transfer" to whomever she knew where she would be. Finishing arranging the last object given to her by one of her fans, the sound of the door being knocked lightly was heard so that the little mermaid idol went to open it and be greeted by Tila with a worried look.

Tila: Sayu, is everything okay?

Sayu: No, I'm just... *Sighs* a little upset tehee, I think that's how she feels -She gave a downcast look as she continued chatting with her mother- although, also a little sad

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