Season 2 | Episode 18: Melody and Reflections

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The sun was beginning to peek over the mountains surrounding the Valley of Voices, softly illuminating the musical structures and paths that stretched across the region. The air was filled with soft melodies, as if morning itself was greeting the group of performers.

Mayday and Zuke were the first to wake up. They both left their guest rooms, still feeling the calm that the valley had given them the day before. With a mix of curiosity and excitement, they decided to head to the dining room, where they hoped to find something to start the new day.

Upon arriving at the dining room, they found Legato and his uncle, who were busy preparing breakfast. The kitchen resonated with a cheerful rhythm as the utensils moved almost in time with the music floating in the air.

Legato: Good morning, guys! I hope you're hungry, we've prepared something special for you. -I greet with a smile as she places the plates on the table-

Larnell: This place has its own rhythm, so I thought I'd make something that would go well with the morning here in the valley. -He added, pouring some juice into sparkling crystal glasses-

Mayday and Zuke sat at the table, thanking Legato and Larnell for their hospitality. As they ate, they couldn't help but comment on how amazing it was to be in a place where music seemed to be a part of everything, from the atmosphere to the food.

Mayday: This place is amazing. -She spoke enthusiastically as she took a bite of an egg-based omelette from Chords- Everything here seems to be in tune with the music, even the breakfast tastes like a perfect melody.

Zuke: Yeah, I've never been to a place like this. -He nodded as she drank some juice-

After enjoying a harmonious breakfast, Mayday and Zuke felt a renewed energy. They decided it was the perfect time to explore the village and meet some of the locals. They wanted to immerse themselves in the culture of the place and perhaps learn something new that could help them in their mission. Legato noticed their enthusiasm and with a smile decided to help them.

Legato: If you want to get to know the Village, I can give you some directions. There are many interesting places and unique people around here. I'm sure you'll enjoy every moment.

Larnell: And if you find anything interesting, don't hesitate to come back and tell us. This valley has many hidden stories. -She added with a warm tone-

With their hearts full of expectation and an insatiable curiosity, Mayday and Zuke temporarily said goodbye to Legato and Larnell, and set out to explore the Village, ready to discover what this musical place had to offer.

The village had a rural yet modern atmosphere, with buildings that combined natural and technological elements. The structures were notable for their harmonious design, with pastel hues and musical details that constantly reminded of Skyland' rhythmic nature. As Mayday and Zuke explored, much like when they saved the village from the Discordants, they noticed that the inhabitants of this place also possessed their own unique appearance.

|Credits to artist Adam Ryoma Tazi (ARTazi):|


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