Chapter 1 A frightful beginning

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TW: Fearful and depressing-like themes...

(P.S. this fem reader will be weak... but has some extreme powers :D But ofc I have to be more stronger compared to you so... ;v;)




"Mum! I'm home!"


It was always like that, both your parents were always out from the house, leaving you to walk to and from school back home. You were an only child, you've lived your whole life as far as you could remember. When you were just at the age of 7, your mum had to go somewhere.

Your father was busy with work.

You... were alone that one night.


Even though you had been taught how to use the phone and when to call police. Your parents made sure you never called the police when they were going to leave you all alone in the house...


*Flash back to past*

"Honey! I just need to go! Work calls!"

"Alright, make sure to return at some point darling!"

"Yes Dear!"

*Dad closes the door shut and leaves in his car*

"Oh y/n sweetie~"

"Yes Mummy? Where is daddy going?"

Your mum bent down on her knees and gave you a warm smile. (A chilling smile...)

"Daddy is busy. He has to go do something"

"Oh... what about you? Where are you going mummy???"

"Me?" (I sense more chills...)


"I'm going to a party"

"I want to go with you! Can I mummy???"

"No sweetie. This is for adults, not for a place like you"

"But I've been to parties before?"

"Yes, but these are not the same as the ones you've been to"


"Because... you're not an adult yet" (Closing her eyes she gives you a spine-chilling smile... ;-;)

"When will you be back mummy?"

"I won't be returning until a week"

"But what about daddy?"

"Daddy... will make sure to look after you, and... make sure you don't use the house phone, ok sweetie?"

"Yes mummy"

"Good girl"

You remember how your mother's hands were cold when she patted your head, you wanted to run away from her grip and yet she could make you stay with her. If only you had run away from that home that day...




*End of flashback*

It was now your 17th birthday, 10 years has now passed. Both your parents weren't around, they had been long gone from the house after you turned 14. No one knows where your parents were. People assumed they ran away, leaving their daughter all alone. Some thought they were in an accident. Others didn't want to question about...

A game of dreams by Rei00135Where stories live. Discover now