Chapter 2 Dinner or breakfast?

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TW: None at the moment




"So... how have things been for you?"

"I've been doing alright, you y/n?"

"Uh... it's... ok I guess"

"That's good to hear"


Rei placed down the plate of food for you, you sniffed at the food realising it smell really good. On the plate it had some pieces of chicken, some green beans, a small amount of butter on a piece of toast, and some unknown brown-looking dessert...

(If you're vegetarian, then imagine another type of food)


Rei started off the conversation on the topic that is now at hand.


"This is one heck of a strange situation that we got into... We're going to need to survive this world of else who knows what may happen to us in the real world..."

"But didn't you just message me saying that you knew what was going to happen?"

"I had a feeling of what might happen, but that doesn't mean it was real. I was able to get word from one of the players that it may be possible to die in the real world..."


"I wish it wasn't true either, but we don't really have much of a choice..."

"So what's our goal or plan?"

"People are saying there is one way to beat this game and get out of this death game..."

"And that's to beat floor 100?"





After that, the two of you sat in silence, eating your foods and thinking of what might be happening in the real world... You thought things can only get worse from here. Rei thought of many things...and yet she was still having trouble trying to figure it out...

Once the both of you were finish eating, you asked if you could stay the night, which Rei allowed.

She said you could take her room while she takes the living room.

When you finally changed out your clothes you noticed Rei was on the phone, you decided to not bother her so you just went to sleep...




*Rei's POV, or my (Author Rei) POV in this case*


"I already told you I'm busy, I don't have time"

*Someone talking*

"I have a friend over at my house right now..."

*Someone talking*

"I won't be going into battle with the likes of you"

*Someone talking*

"I'm fine on my own, go find someone else to bother..."

*Call ended*


"Looks like it's time for me to make a move..."


A game of dreams by Rei00135Where stories live. Discover now