Drunk And In Love

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Warning: intoxicated reader and some cursing

Wolf pov
I had just finished a friendly dinner with Diane. Why she felt that going out for dinner was the best way to check up in me I have no idea but it was nice. I could walk into a restaurant and not have people run away in fear any more so why not go out. Right? Anyway after dinner I had to drive Diane back home because as she was getting ready to leave she noticed her car had a flat tire so she asked me to pick her up. As I was driving I heard Diane clear her throat trying to break the silence. "So Wolf now that I have seen in person that people are no longer afraid of you have you thought about trying to find someone?" She asked me. I just froze thinking about her questions. She was asking if I had or wanted a girlfriend. I just decided to brush the question off with a simple answer. "You mean like a girlfriend? I never really thought about it I am not to big on relationships." I said as calm and cool as possible. Diane just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders and thankfully dropped the conversation. The rest of the car ride was silent as I turned toward her street and pulled up in front of her house I heard her mumble something to herself while looking out the window. "What?" I asked while looking out the window trying to see what she was looking at.

Diane pov
"Shit" I mumbled to myself as I looked toward me house. "What?" I heard Wolf ask but I didn't answered him as I quickly got out of the car. As I got closer to my house my theory was confirmed. Right in front of my door sat a intoxicated Y/N. "Jesus christ Y/N what happened to you!?" I asked as she suddenly looked up at me realizing I was standing in front of her. She just gave me a tired smile and clumsy pulled herself of the ground.

Wolf pov
Diane never answered me and just got out of the car. She stoped and stood I front of her door looking down that's when I noticed a figure siting on her door step. I quickly got out of the car to see what was going on. As I got closer I notice that the figure was a girl a very drunk girl. She got up and fall toward Diane looking for support. "Diane welcome back! Where have you been?" The girl said to Diane with slurred words. Then the girl looked up towards me. "Oh Diane I thought I knew you better. You would leave me on your doorstep to go out with pretty boy over her." She said pointing an accusing finger at Diane yet again she said this with slurred words. "That's is not what happened Y/N. Come on let's get you inside." Diane said as she went to unlock the door. The girl who's name apparently was Y/N just stood there and looked at me swaying back and forth slightly like she was going to fall over. As Diane opened the door Y/N turned around to follow her inside. I followed her as well just I case she fell over and good thing I did because as soon as she went to walk forward she practically collapsed and fell back. I quickly lunged forward to catch her before she hit the ground. I picked her up bridal style and carrying her inside. As I walked through the door Diane looked at me giving me a slight smirk. I just ignored it and carried Y/N over to the couch as I placed her down I got a good look at her face. She was beautiful even if she was drunk. I felt my heart start to race as I looked at her. I realized I probably was staring at her for to long to be normal so I finished placing her on the couch and went to find Diane. I looked around to find her in the kitchen getting a glass of water. "You can stay Wolf if you would like. It is pretty late you can stay in the guest bedroom." Diane said. I went to decline her offer when all of the sudden I let out a big yawn. "If your ok with me staying then I will take you up on that offer." I said giving a small smile. "The guest bedroom is down the hall second door to the right." She instructed as she walked past me and put the cup of water on the table next to Y/N. Who was fast asleep on the couch. I made my way down the hall and to the guest bedroom. It was a small and very well organized room with one window looking out into the front yard. I took off my coat,shoes and socks but kept my button shirt and dress pants on. Not the most comfortable way to sleep but I was to tired to really care. As I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep I thought about Y/N and it put a smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach.

Y/N pov
When I opened my eyes I was instantly blinded with sun light. I rubbed my hands over my eyes and messaged my head as a major head ach had just hit me. I sat up and thought about the previous night I remembered being extremely pissed off and upset I drank and somehow ended up at Diane's. But what I remember most was the Wolf that was with her and when I fell he caught me. He was warm and soft. As I was thinking about the Wolf sipping the water is found on the table in front of me I heard someone's door open. I looked up expecting to see Diane but was surprised to see the wolf but now that I could actually focused on him I realized that he was the Mr.Wolf. He looked all ready for the day dressed up in  his white suit and pants. He was tall and handsome and as I watched him sit down in the chair next to me my heart started to race. "Good morning. Y/N right?" He said to me. "That would be me nice to meet you Wolf." I said still sipping on my water. "So you seem to already know me." He said. I nodded my head. "I take it your a friend of Diane" He asked me and I nodded my head again. "I don't mean to invade you privacy but what caused you to get so drunk last night." He asked me. I quickly looked up at him not expecting that question. "Well I am still trying to get over the death of a family member and on top of that my piece of shit boss fired me from my job and I have no idea why." I said. I looked up at him every no and again but everytime lifted my head it would begin to pound in pain.

Wolf pov
I sat and focused on Y/N while she told me why she got drunk last night. After she finished explaining to me what happened it was silent for a little bit. She then cleared her throat and looked up at me. "Thank you for catching me last night when I fell." She gave me a sweet smile and looked at me. Her eyes were so beautiful that I almost missed the fact that she said that you to me. My body stiffed as she said this she was still awake enough to remember that? How embarrassing I thought to myself as I felt my face blush alittle. "No problem. I should probably head out I think I have intruded enough on Diane's space." I said to myself as I stood up and straightened my coat. As I made my way to the door Y/N suddenly got up. "Wait!" She said as she ran into the kitchen and wrote something on a post it note. She the walked back over to me and held the folded paper out to me. "I don't know if you and Diane are a thing but if you want to maybe we can go out to dinner some time." Y/N said looking at me with a smile. The way she looked at me you would never be able to tell she was fighting a major hangover.  "That sounds great." I said smile back at her. She leaned in and gave me a small hug goodbye and went to over to the couch again. I made my way over to my car and paused outside the door. I unfolded the paper and saw that she wrote down her phone number and next to the phone number was a little heart. I felt a smile come to my face again butterflies in my stomach and my legs go alittle weak. I felt as if I had just become drunk. Drunk on love.

Sorry for the cheesy ending I wasn't sure how to end this one. I hope you still enjoyed it.

Mr. Wolf x Reader  OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now