Chapter 16

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The last bell of school finally rang and all of the students are all going home now. Shadow told his group that they can go home first since he's going to meet Sonic in his class. He walked down the stairs and through the corridor before finally reaching Sonic's class as he opened the door.

"Hey, Sonic." Shadow called him.

Sonic was talking to his other classmate, stopped when he heard his name being called and turned to the door and immediately blushed lightly. His friend also turned to the door as well before letting out a gasp when he saw that it was Shadow standing there.

"Dude! Shadow's talking to you?!" He excitedly asked as Sonic turned to him while nodding and smiling nervously.

"Y-Yeah, we're, um, friends. Well, I have to go now. See ya." Sonic nervously said.

He waved goodbye and quickly walked towards the door. The secret couple then walked out of the school and the gate before walking down the street and holding hands before they reached the movie theater and started to see what's there to watch.

"Do you like horror?" Shadow asked but Sonic shook his head when Shadow pointed to a horror movie about a doll. (AN: You know what I'm talking about.)

"Um, not really. I'm kinda more into action and comedy." Sonic said as Shadow smirked.

"We can watch romance then." Shadow smirked and that made Sonic blush.

"But, Shadow, what kind of romance are we talking about here?" Sonic asked as Shadow turned to the category that's available.

He then smirked before pointing to one of the movies. Sonic saw what he was pointing at before gasping and blushed a bright red. They're gonna watch that?!

"That?! I've seen the trailer already before and isn't Fifty Shades of Grey a little too mature for me?!" Sonic questioned him.

"You're a highschool student now. It's fine to watch this stuff." Shadow told him.

"Yeah, but I'm only 15 and that movie is rated 18+, Shadow." Sonic pouted with a small blush.

Shadow saw the blush on Sonic's face and he couldn't help it and kissed his cheek which made his blush worsen into a darker shade of red.

"I'm 17, so it's cool." Shadow reassured him as he pouted.

Shadow bought two tickets and they went inside to watch the movie. There were some scenes where Sonic had to shut his eyes. He's already embarrassed to even watch this type of movie. Especially with the person he loves and he's still 15 for Chaos' sake! Shadow is just too cruel yet he loves him!

"Sonic, open your eyes. This part is really cool." Shadow whispered to him.

Sonic didn't believe him at first but did what was told. He opened his eyes and saw the couple talking before the hot scene came again which made Sonic cover his eyes again while his face was burning.

"Shadow, you lied to me!" Sonic hissed out of embarrassment which made Shadow chuckle silently and put his arm around the uke.

After watching the rather embarrassing movie, they went to grab a bite to eat at a fast food restaurant that was near the theater.

"Shadow, please don't you ever let me watch that movie again." Sonic complained as he sipped his soda.

"Why? Because you're underage?" Shadow asked while he's trying not to laugh. Sonic is just too cute.

"Yes! And I'm just too embarrassed to watch those types of movies!" Sonic cried out in embarrassment.

Shadow just smiled softly and laughed before petting his head and got a soft and gentle purr from Sonic. After they finished eating their food, Shadow eventually took Sonic home. They reached the front door of the house and Sonic thanked him for walking him home.

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