Chapter 19

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Shadow finally took Sonic home after their "activity" earlier and they were both holding hands now with Sonic, who can't stop blushing and keep turning his face away from Shadow. His rear was literally sore but it was a good thing that he can still walk.

"Sonic?" Shadow suddenly called him.

"Y-Yeah?" Sonic replied while twitching an ear in his direction.

Only for the blue uke to freeze and almost jump out of his skin when he felt Shadow pulling his hand away from him and placed it around Sonic's tail and gave it a small rub while smirking.

"S-Shadow, w-what are you doing now?!" Sonic yelped and pushed his two hands against Shadow's face.

Shadow removed his hand from Sonic's tail while he removed his hands from Shadow's face. Shadow looked at his hand and smirked before showing it to Sonic and it instantly made him blush even more as steam came out from his head and made Shadow smirk more. It showed that his hand had a bit of white liquid just around his fingers.

"I guess I came a lot." Shadow teased and Sonic just wanted to die from embarrassment and how much he was blushing and let out a scream internally.

He was already way beyond embarrassed about the fact that he now lost his virginity today. As they finally made it back to Sonic's house, he shyly kissed Shadow's cheek and quickly ran inside the house, leaving Shadow to chuckle at how cute his reactions are and left for his home.

Sonic instantly runs to the bathroom and takes a shower before Tails and Knuckles see him and get any ideas. He let out a sigh after finishing his shower before drying himself with a towel and put his gloves and shoes back on and walked out of the bathroom. He walked down the stairs and saw his two friends sitting comfortably in the living room on the couch while watching TV which was playing a DreamWorks movie.

(AN: Pick any DreamWorks movie that you grew up watching.)

"Hey, guys." Sonic greeted them which caught their attention as Knuckles sent him a friendly smirk.

"Hey, it's kinda rare for you to go straight in the bathroom after school." Knuckles joked as Sonic rolled his eyes.

"I just like to be fresh unlike you." Sonic joked back with a fond smile.

"Apply cold water to the burnt area." Tails snickered and got a punch on the shoulder from Knuckles who gave him a grin.

Sonic joined them on the couch and watched the movie together to pass the time which was featuring How To Train Your Dragon.

(AN: I'm a fan TwT.)

They realized that it was almost 7 pm after they finished the movie and just decided to go out to get something to eat. They chat along the way until they made it to a fast food stop and decided on getting take outs to eat at home since the inside looks pretty crowded and they won't be able to wait for a table to empty out and knowing how impatient a certain blue hedgehog is about stuff especially food.

Knuckles and Tails went inside to order their take out while Sonic stayed outside to wait for them. He would rather wait for them than to actually wait in line in a crowded place. He leaned against the wall and gazed out at the early twilight sky. He was enjoying the sight when he heard a loud voice calling him not too far away.

The voice made his ears twitch and he could've sworn that he heard it before but he can't remember. He scanned the area and his heart almost jumped out from fear when he saw a rather familiar and annoying cat which made him let out a sigh as he approached.

"Sonic, was it?" Bryan started as he glared at him and walked closer before standing in front of Sonic about three feet away.

"What do you want?" Sonic asked with a deadpan look but he was nervous on the inside about what he wanted.

"I want to know about your relationship with Shadow. Are you his brother? Cousin?" Bryan asked curiously but Sonic could see that he's trying to interrogate him.

"Look, Bryan, I'm already tired of this nonsense about you wanting to be more popular than Shadow. Why don't you just go home and sleep?" Sonic said but Bryan let out a growl which made Sonic flinch a little.

"No way. I've seen you with Shadow before and you two were even holding hands!" Bryan pointed out and it almost made Sonic gasp in shock.

Bryan saw them at that time?! Sonic almost blushed when he remembered why but he can't right now. He had to put his embarrassment aside or else Bryan would find out the real thing between him and Shadow.

"I was very tired at that time. I told Shadow that I want to go home alone but he insisted on coming with me." Sonic lied but he was sweating nervously on the inside.

"And the hand holding?" Bryan asked as he was getting suspicious.

"He was gonna carry me but I told him that he shouldn't do that so he held my hand instead." Sonic lied again yet he was growing nervous.

Bryan stared at Sonic suspiciously. He didn't know why but he felt something about what Sonic said made him even more suspicious.

Before anything could even happen, both Tails and Knuckles finally came out and were talking to a certain cat. Sonic felt relief at the sight of the two and was able to Escape Bryan's suspicions.

"Finally!" Sonic sighed in relief as Tails handed him his take out.

"Man, the inside was really crowded. Let's go home. I'm starving." Tails said and both Knuckles and Sonic agreed.

"By the way, wasn't that the cat who wanted to fight Shadow?" Knuckles asked as he turned his head to look back to see Bryan walking away.

"Um, yeah. He wanted to talk about some stuff." Sonic said nervously.

"What kind of stuff?" Tails asked curiously.

"None of your business!" Sonic got defensive and just ate his fries like he hasn't eaten in days and it left the two even more confused.

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