Chapter 17

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AN: Not dead yet, people. I just have writer's block so I wasn't able to continue this story. So anyway. Enjoy the updates that will surely come.

Sonic and Silver were both waiting for the teacher to come in and while doing so, they decided to have a phone call with Scourge as they're both curious and concerned about why he's not feeling well all of a sudden. They both used an earphone to talk to him as Sonic used the left piece while used the right one.

"So you were involved in a fight?" Silver asked to the phone where Scourge replied.

"Yeah but I don't know why they suddenly cornered and attacked me. I don't even know who they are." Scourge replied.

"Maybe they were our schoolmates?" Sonic suggested.

"I told you that I don't know that. So after the fight, I quickly called Fleetway so he could take me home." Scourge explained.

"Alright. We'll visit you after school." Silver said as a sigh was heard.

"Okay. Thanks, guys." Scourge said before hanging up.

They ended the call right on time since the teacher finally came in and they began the lesson. The school day was finally over after hours and the two left for Scourge's place. Scourge texted them earlier that they can just open the front door without knocking cause he's not too well to even get out of bed.

They finally arrived and opened the door before closing it. They went towards his bedroom and entered it and found him lying on the bed and was in bandages to cover up his bruises.

"Hi, Scourge!" Sonic greeted and that caught his attention as he sat up.

"Oh, you guys are already here." He said as he tried to sit up but winced slightly in pain.

They both walked in and sat down near him on the bed. His house is decorated just fine and looks quite normal. His room has a large flat screen tv attached to the wall with some pictures on both sides. The dresser was near the window with a door that probably leads to the bathroom and the room was painted forest green with a medium sized rug in the middle of the room.

"Scourge, are you here all by yourself?" Silver asked curiously as Scourge shook his head.

"Nah, my cousin came here this morning right before he left for work." Scourge explained.

"What's his job?" Sonic asked curiously.

"He's a cop at a place called the No Zone or something." Scourge said before groaning slightly when. He felt some pain around his spine.

It made both Silver and Sonic gasp in shock and started to panic because they didn't know what to do while Scourge just watched his two panicking friends that were running around the house to look for something useful. He let out a sigh at them but couldn't stop the fond feeling over the two.

"Guys, I'm fine. Just relax." Scourge reassured them.

The two stopped almost immediately as they began to panic and blinked a few times before sighing in relief and laughing nervously while sitting down.

"Sorry. We thought that you were getting even more hurt." Sonic said sheepishly.

"By the way, the people that attacked you... What did they look like?" Silver asked. They need to at least identify the attackers so they can report this.

Scourge placed his hand on his chin as he thought about the incident yesterday that led him to having bed rest to recover.

"I can't quite remember. But one of them is a cat with cream colored fur and the other one is a hedgehog with dark red fur." Scourge explained and the word cat caught the attention of both Silver and Sonic.

They could have sworn that they knew something about the cat but what was it? Sonic then gasped when he remembered about the fight earlier this morning and snapped his fingers.

"Silver, the cat from this morning!" Sonic said and Silver's eyes widened when he remembered and nodded.

Scourge looked at them in confusion and was wondering what they were talking about. Does the two know something about the cay that attacked him? Both Sonic and Silver turned to him.

"Scourge, you won't believe it but this morning the same cat with cream colored fur was picking a fight with Shadow!" Silver explained.

Scourge's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe what the two had said and looked at them in shock.

"Are you guys serious?" Scourge asked in worry as the two nodded.

"Wait, when you called Fleetway, did he actually see the guys?" Sonic asked but Scourge shook his head with lowered ears.

"No. I called him right after the fight, Sonic. I didn't want him to get involved in it when it happened." Scourge explained.

"I see. Well, he was backing up for Shadow this morning and he didn't sound too happy when he talked to the guy." Sonic told him as Silver shuddered.

"Just imagine if he knew that he was the one that beat you up." Silver nervously said and they all shuddered in fear of the chaos that Fleetway could do when angered.

Despite his caring and cheerful personality, he might have hidden a really powerful and raw anger behind that glowing golden aura of his.

After hanging out with Scourge for a while, they went home and hoped that Scourge would get better soon. On the way home, they met up with Fleetway, Shadow and Mephiles on the sidewalk and it made them all stop while looking at each other in surprise.

"Were you two from Scourge's house?" Shadow asked as Sonic nodded

"Yip. We just visited him." Sonic smiled as Fleetway zipped in front of him.

"Well, is-he-okay? Does-he-need-my-help? Is-there-anything-that-wants-me-to-buy? Because-I'm-also-on-my-way-there!" Fleetway said in a fast tone while holding Sonic's shoulders and shook him.

Mephiles pulled him back and calmed him down while Silver laughed nervously at him.

"H-He's okay. All he really needs is just some time to rest." Silver said but concern was shining in his eyes.

Fleetway sighs in relief and smiles at them both and nodding thankfully. They then parted ways while the three semes walked to Scourge's house and the two ukes went home.

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