Nightmare (Basil x Sunny)

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(Slight spoilers!!)

          Omori looked over at his dirty blonde boyfriend. "Basil..."
          "Don't fucking talk to me," Basil spat as he brought his knees to his chest. He hunched over, tangling his frail fingers in his locks. "Basil please-"
          "Sunny shut the fUCK UP," Basil boomed, snapping his head over to look at Sunny. Sunny flinched, eye widening slightly. "Please just- just stop talking," Basil begged in a much calmer voice before hunching back over, burying his face in his knees as he gripped his hair again. Sunny's lip quivered. His head ached slightly due to the pain that stemmed from his eye's injury. He could feel as his blood trickled down his cheek, falling to the ground and landing with a tap noise. "I know you see her, too."
Basil tensed. He slowly looked up, eyes shifting to Sunny. "How," he breathed. "H-How did you....h-how-"
          "You try and hide it but it's obvious," Sunny explained, looking at Basil's bedroom door. "She stands there. Says nothing...just stares."
          Mari stood at Basil's bedroom door, her sunken eyes being wide as she watched the two. Her matted black hair swayed softly, her tattered white dress going just past her knees. The only noise she made was the whistling from her breathing. Basil let out a shaky sigh. " know how to make her go away?" He asked, glancing from Sunny to Mari. Sunny thought for a moment. "I think it depends on how she's feeling."
          " you mean?" Basil asked hesitantly. "Sometimes she let's her emotions show. Barely, but just enough for you to take notice," Sunny began, looking at Basil. "I've noticed...when she's mad, if you ignore her she leaves. If she's sad, make noise. Lots of noise." He looked back at Basil. "I can't tell how to get rid of her when she's like this, though." Basil let out a shaky breath, gripping his hair. He muttered something under his breath. "What?" Sunny asked, looking at him.
          "This wouldn't be happening if it weren't for you," Basil said loud enough for Sunny to hear. Sunny felt his blood turn to ice. "What?" He hissed angrily, his brows furrowing. "You know I'm right," Basil spat, looking at him. "She wouldn't be THAT if you didn't fucking KILL HER."
          "Don't you fucking pin this shit on me," Sunny demanded, beginning to grow angry. "You has as big of a part in this as I do."
          "You fUCKING PUSHED HER DOWN THE STAIRS, OMORI!" Basil suddenly tackled Sunny, a struggled sound of surprise left him, looking up at his now infuriated boyfriend. His eye went ten times it's size as he threw his hands up, gripping Basil's wrist. He had Šuñny'ş knife.
"YOU FUCKING KILLED HER, ÖMØRI!!!" Basil gripped the handle to the knife with both hands, trying to push it down. He was struggling a great deal due to Sunny's strength. Wait...what?    
          Omori looked up at ?????, panicked look in his eyes as he was now met with a blackened figure. Only piercing ice blue eyes stared back. ????? had tears running down his face as he growled. "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!" He boomed, yanking his arm back and bringing the knife with him. Ømõnný's eyes widened at this, him raising his hands once again. However, he was unable to stop ?a???'s attack this time. ????? growled as he stared into ?????'? eyes with pure anger, plunging the knife down and into his chest.

          Sunny gasped loudly as he sprang up in his bed, eyes widening as he shook. His breath was quick and heavy, eyes darting around quickly. He hunched over a bit, gripping at his black locks as he tried to steady his breathing. It was all just a dream.
          The sound of his door clicking caused him to snap his head up, wide eyes staring at the figure in the door. It was a pure black figure, like the one in his dream. Sunny let out a struggled gasp as he quickly scooted back on his back, eyes as wide as they could be in pure fear as his back hit the wall. His ears began to ring, causing him to tremble more and more by the second. He was then blinded by a light, Sunny closing his eyes and quickly looking away due to the pain.
          "Sunny?" A quiet voice called, having a sense of urgency in it. Sunny didn't look up yet, still trembling. There was the sound of footsteps before a hand gently grabbed his wrist. "Hey, Sunny," the voice cooed. "Honey, look at me. You're okay." Sunny slowly opened his eyes, tears immediately filling them. He slowly looked up, a kind, rosy face looking back into his bubbly eyes.
          "Hey, it's just me," Basil said softly, cupping Sunny's face. The blonde brushed a bit of Sunny's hair out of his face. "Are you okay?" He asked in that same tone. Sunny's breath grew shaky as he tried to focus on Basil's face. "I–I–I...," Sunny stuttered, unable to form words. His tears involuntarily streamed down his face. Basil shushed him calmly, rubbing Sunny's cheeks gently with the pads of his thumbs. "Just breathe, okay? Take a deep breath." Sunny shakily did so, gripping Basil's wrists tightly as he did so. "N...N–Nightmare," Sunny managed to say. Basil frowned. "Do you want me to go get Mari? Or Kel? They're awake, too," Basil asked. Sunny shook his head. " 'm f–f–fine," he muttered. Basil nodded, holding Sunny's face as he watched him shakily breathe. "Do you want a tissue?" Basil asked after a moment. Sunny nodded before Basil pulled away. He stood, approaching Sunny's bookshelf and pulling a few of the soft cotton sheets out of their respective box.
          "Here, honey," Basil said as he walked back over, sitting in front of Sunny and gently cupping his cheek. He held a tissue in the other hand, lightly wiping away Sunny's tears. Sunny let out a shaky sigh, shutting his eyes and he leaned into Basil's touch. He felt so warm. Sunny sniffled, opening his eyes half way. Basil noticed, flashing his usual sweet smile. "Do you feel better?" He asked. Sunny gave another nod, sniffling again. Basil lowered his hand with the tissue, nodding. "Do you wanna go get a drink? Or a midnight snack?" Basil asked.
          "It's only midnight?" Sunny asked, voice being a bit hoarse from the crying. "Feels so much later...," he muttered. "But...yeah, I'll get a drink or something."
          "Alrighty," Basil hummed, his sweet smile never falling as he stood from Sunny's bed. He held his hand out to Sunny, whom took it as he stood. He went to lead Sunny out of the room, but he was held firmly in place by Sunny. He looked back at Sunny curiously. "Sunny?" He asked.
          Sunny then leaned forward, gently kissing Basil on the lips. Basil's eyes widened, his face flushing bright pink at this. He shut his eyes for a moment before Sunny pulled away. Basil looked up at him, blinking. He grinned. "That was unexpected," he giggled, earning a tiny smile from Sunny.

          "Hmmm...What're you thinkin' of eating?" Basil asked as he dug through the cabinets, Sunny leaning over the counter. "What is there?" He asked. "Mmmm, not much," Basil admitted. "Only chips."
          "Eh...I'll pass," Sunny replied, sipping his cup of water. Suddenly the front door opened, followed by the sound of chatter.
          "Oh Sunny, you're up!" Kel said happily, hurrying over to his best friend. He threw an arm around his shoulders, grinning. "Did Aubrey wake you? I told her she was being realy loud."
           "I was not!" Aubrey retorted, elbowing Kel rather harshly. She only received a snicker from the male, as well as a grin of amusement from Sunny. "No," he hummed. "I had a nightmare."
          "Oh shit, you alright?" Kel asked. Sunny nodded, sipping his water again. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulders causing him to look up. His beady eyes landed on the face of his sister, whom wore a slightly concerned expression. "Do you want to talk about it?" Mari asked kindly, tilting her head a bit. Sunny shook his head. Mari then pulled him into a little hug, Sunny leaning into her chest as she draped her arms around him. "Hey," she then spoke, looking up at their friends. "We're all wide awake," she started. "How about we all make some cookies?"
          "Oooooh yeah!!" Kel yelled excitedly, bouncing slightly. Hero snickered. "And you said AUBREY was being loud," he joked, earning a playful glare and pout from Kel.
          "Can we help?" Basil asked, standing next to Aubrey. "Fun makes time fly."
          "Of course!" Mari said with a beaming smile. "Just don't let Kel near the flour again."
          "Hey!!" Kel shouted, earning laughs and giggles from everyone.

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