Chapter 8: Victory

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Everyone were now at the Hall of Justice celebrating their victory over Megatron and his Decepticons. Ratchet was now scanning Optimus Prime after repairing his damage from his ultimate fight.

"Optimus, your Force particles are gone as well as your speed. All of your damage seemed to have healed due to the power of Forces." Ratchet said.

"I believe that all of our temporary speed has been depleted." Drift said seeing that they've lost their connection to the Forces.

"Bummer. I loved my super speed." Grimlock said sadly.

"Yeah, I kinda liked being a speedster." Drago said.

"So where are Megatron and his Decepticons?" Aquaman asked seriously.

"S.T.A.R. Labs satellites aren't detecting them anywhere in the area, so my guess is they fled the area." Vibe said checking the computer.

"He's going to be recovering from the ass-whooping Optimus Prime gave him." Hound said chuckling.

"Now that Megatron has been defeated. Things can finally go back to normal." Felicity said as she kissed Oliver.

"Well, our type of normal." Wolf implies as he hugs Diane and Princess who kisses Thrasher.

"Actually, it can't." Drago said sadly looking at them.

"Say what, now?" Piranha asked confused.

"I'm started to get a bit homesick lately. Plus, I've been on this Earth for at least three years now. For the time I've been here, I learned so much from you guys. It's time for me to go back home now." Drago said surprising everyone.

"Home? As in Earth-307 home?" Snake asked.

"Yeah. Someone in similar shoes told me if I want to be one of the good guys that I need to right my wrongs, and the only way to do that is to go back where it all started." Drago said.

"Awww, you're leaving?" Miko asked upset.

"Sorry kid. But don't worry, I'll back. I still have some unfinished business that needs to be taken care of back home." Drago said giving her a smile.

"I'll cheers to that

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"I'll cheers to that." Mick Rory said as he drinks. Cisco then showed up to Drago.

"I have something for you. For one canary to wolf to another, Sara, Flasheart, and the others want you to keep this." Cisco said as he opens a case, revealing a techno collar.

"I bumped up the specs. Quadrupled the range, tripled the resonance. You should be able to do some more serious damage with your Dragon Roar now." Cisco said showing off.

"Very impressive, Vibe." Drago said as he puts it in his bag. Cisco then handed him an extrapolator.

"With this you should be able to breach back to your Earth and breach back over here when you want to." He said. Drago took it and put it in his leather jacket's pocket. He then sees Barry, Gobber, and the Bad Guys.

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