6 || The Verdict

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Surveillance footage of Brontë Incorporated conference room.

Head of Analysis John Rivers sits at the long rectangular table with in-house attorney Alice Fairfax and Head of Behavior Diana Moor.

"Well, it's true," Ms. Moor is in the midst of saying. "Every life JN-1 has touched has been improved or even saved."

"A fact that has nothing to do with the recall," Analyst Rivers responds, making a note on his smart pad. "We've conducted the interviews. We've reviewed the surveillance footage of the incidents that occurred inside Thornfield Hall. We've done everything required of us in the case of an exemption request."

"Have we?" Ms. Fairfax challenges him. "We haven't granted the request."

"We never do," Rivers replies, his eyes on his smart pad.

The trio sits in silence for several seconds.

"I meant to ask," Ms. Fairfax suddenly speaks up, "why is the JN-1 interview recorded only with audio files?"

"It's believed that a visual component may cause the viewer to develop empathy for the android in question, should the viewer be able to see the face and facial expressions," Ms. Moor recites, an accusatory glare sent in Analyst Rivers' direction.

"A face that was scientifically engineered and facial expressions that were programmed," Analyst Rivers clarifies, his tone curt. "An android, no matter how life-like, is a product, not a person. Do you feel empathy for your toaster when it malfunctions? Or do you throw it away and buy a new one?"

"A gross comparison," Ms. Fairfax huffs with a shake of her head. "And these prototype androids are not 'malfunctioning.' They have been deemed 'too human' to be effective."

"Pot, kettle," Rivers says, shrugging. "At the end of the day, they're both black."

"So, your mind is made up, is it?"

"Yes," Analyst Rivers confirms. "And as Head of Analysis, my decision is beyond contestation."

"I still insist on hearing the end of your interview with JN-1," Ms. Fairfax tells him.

"As do I," Ms. Moor concurs. She stares at her coworker in disdain. "You're being unnecessarily callous about this, Mr. Rivers, and you know it."

Analyst Rivers scoffs. "Be that as it may, my word is final. Prototype android JN-1 0012-CB will be recalled and decommissioned like all of the other Governess prototypes. I'll be submitting the official paperwork this afternoon. You know how to pull up audio files, Ms. Moor. Feel free. Good day, ladies."

He picks up his smart pad and stalks from the room.

Ms. Moor and Ms. Fairfax exchange glances, and Ms. Moor pulls up the audio file of JN-1's exit interview.

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