Alternate Ending 1

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"I waited for this to happen so I could ask you this," he said, "Will you be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?" You squealed in excitement and hugged him. "Yes, yes I will," you said cheerfully. He smiled and kissed you again. You heard something moving. You pulled back from the kiss and looked around to find where the sound was coming from. Toby has reached over and gotten your pocket knife. "What ar-" you said before getting cut off by Toby's hand covering your mouth. You realized what was happening. You started squirming under him, but his body weight was too heavy to get away. HOW MANY WAFFLES DOES THIS GUY EAT?!?!?!? You started to scream, but his hand muffled the sound. Tears started to fill your eyes, but you held them back. He flicked open the knife as all the emotion drained from his eyes and insanity filled them instead. "No, no, no," you said behind his hand. "I can't believe you were so fucking stupid," Toby muttered. Your tears came streaming when he said that. You trusted and loved him. How could he do this?!? "I'm a psychopathic killer. Did you really expect me to have truly fallen in love with you?" Toby said while laughing, "that doesn't happen. It doesn't work out. Even if I ever did truly love you, someone else would've murdered you if they found out about our relationship." Toby pressed the knife against your neck. "But I wanted you all to myself. The only thing I stuck around with you for is to see your face when you've been betrayed and in the edge of death," Toby said. You could hardly tell the emotion he had anymore. Toby pressed the knife harder as blood leaked out. You screamed, but the scream was muffled. "TOBY PLEASE DON'T," you said as loud as possible. He didn't care how much you pleaded. You would die no matter what, and you knew this. Whether it was by being murdered or by natural causes. You would die. At this realization you gave up. Tears flowing down your cheeks. You felt the knife pressing down harder and harder. You couldn't help but scream in pain. "HURRY. JUST KILL ME," you choked out. He hasn't gotten far enough to cut anything but skin yet. "I'm not simply gonna just kill you. I wanna see you suffer while I can," Toby said as he smirked. He pushes the knife farther and cut into your throat. Blood came out of your mouth. "N-n," you managed to choke out. Toby began laughing as he kept forcing the knife deeper and deeper. Blood was pouring out of you mouth and throat, and getting on your bed. The pain was blinding you. All you could think of was wanting it to be over. The knife was halfway through, and you couldn't breath at all. Your life was about to slip away when suddenly Toby raised the knife and stabbed you in your left eye. He twisted it and the pulled the knife out. He the got off of you and cut a straight line into your stomach. You died as soon as the blade hit your stomach. "Stupid bitch," Toby whispered under his breath. He tilted up your bloody chin and kissed your Crimson-stained lips as he began laughing. "Love. I believe in no such thing," he said as he then took the knife and finished his job. He had sliced through your neck and cut your head off. He grabbed it and walked back to the mansion.

~time skip~
Toby walked into the mansion and went to Slender's office. "I killed another one," Toby laughed. "Good, it's best we don't have people knowing about us Creepypastas," Slenderman said to Toby telepathically. Toby nodded happily. "I had fun with this one. I teased her for a while by having her think I was in love with her," Toby said with a smirk. "Just get on to the next person. I don't care how you murdered this unimportant person. As long as she's gone is all I care about," Slender said to Toby telepathically. "Pfft fine. Next I'm going to kill her friend," Toby said as he handed slender your decapitated head. "Later," Toby said as he exited the office.

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