Chapter 2

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You and (Bff/N) finished cleaning the floor, and started listening to Pierce the Veil. "Wanna go explore the woods later?" (Bff/N) said. "I don't see why not. Maybe we can find something out," you answered. "Hopefully we won't die," (Bff/N) said quietly. "Don't even say that. . . " you said trying not to imagine Toby murdering your friend. There was a long silence. "Wanna build up supplies for the search?" (Bff/N) said. "Not now, maybe when it's getting late," you answered. "Fine with me," your friend said.

~1 hr later of listening to music~
"It's only 10:18, seriously?" (Bff/N) said, "Can't we just go to the woods now." "No, I wanna go at night. There is a better chance of catching the guy who came in my room late at night," you answered. "But what if I have to leave. . ." (Bff/N) said. "Well you're the one who suggested going to the woods!" you said. "True, true. I guess I'll see if I can spend the night then," he/she said while pulling out his/her phone. "Hold on, let me ask my mom first," you said. "Oh yea, heh, sorry," (Bff/N) said. You left your room and went to go and find your mom. She was passed out on the couch with a beer can sitting on the table. "How did I even wake her up this morning?" you thought. You decided to not try not try and wake her up. You walked back to your room and sat on your bed. "You can spend the night," you said. "Yay," (Bff/N) said, "Let me call my mom now." 5 min later (Bff/N) finally got done with his/her phone call with his/her mom. "Dang, your mom really likes to talk, huh," you said. "Yea," (Bff/N) said while plopping on your bed, "It was hard to convince her, but I did it." "Ok, I wanna make a plan for tonight," you said, "we both are going to need weapons. There might be other creepypastas, s-" "OTHER CREEPYPASTAS!" (Bff/N) said starting to panic again. "Calm. Down," you said getting annoyed by (Bff/N)'s bipolarness. "I'm sorry, I'm just scared," he/she said, "I want to go and figure out if it was really Toby and if other creepypastas exist, but I just am really really scared." "Don't worry it'll be fine, hopefully," you said, whispering hopefully.

~6:52 p.m.~
"Ok, we need to start getting ready to leave. We CAN'T wake up my mom, so we have to go through the window," you said. "Fine with me then," (Bff/N) said while grabbing a pocket knife you own and his/her jacket he/she brought. You and (Bff/N) both packed up 2 backpacks full of food, knives, 2 of your dad's guns, extra bullets, jackets, and a 2 first aid kits. "I think we might be ready to go," you said looking outside. "It's getting dark, so don't you think we might need flashlights," (Bff/N) said. "Oops, that could have been a disaster," you said feeling stupid. You and (Bff/N) went to find 2 flashlights and extra batteries. "NOW I think we're ready," you said getting prepared to go out the window. "Yea," (Bff/N said. You and (Bff/N) both climbed out of the window, (Bff/N) falling onto the ground, like always. You and (Bff/N) walked over to the start of the forest and got ready to enter. You put your dad's gun and bullets in your jacket pocket, held a flashlight in your left hand, and had a knife in your right hand. (Bff/N) put your knife in his/her pocket, bullets in his/her jacket pocket, and held your dad's gun tightly in both of his/her hands. "Ready?" you said shakily. "I-I guess," (Bff/N) said worriedly. You and him/her both stepped forward, then. . . . .

A/N~ Muhahahahaha, cliffhanger! Don't worry, I'll update early tomorrow.

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