Chapter 1

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~2:27 a.m.~
You are awoken to a loud shuffling inside your room. "Crap. . ." you hear a male voice say. Quickly, out of instinct, you jump out of bed and grab your knife you keep in your nightstand drawer. To your suprise, the guy was already gone, only leaving a bloody hatchet that lay on the floor. "This has to be a dream," you said running to your window. A guy wearing a hoodie with brown hair was running straight into the woods. You picked up the bloody hatchet and hid it in your closet. "W-was that really him," you whispered, "I probably just need to go back to sleep." After 30 min of being worried and paranoid you finally fell asleep.

~8:46 a.m.~
"*sqeeeeeeeeeaaaak* (YYYYY/NNNNN)." You woke up to see, the one and only, (Bff/N) at your window. You yawned and rubbed your eyes. "The window is unlocked," you said. You heard shuffling at the window and then your friend plop on the floor, as always. "Owwwwww, that hurt more than last time," he/she said. More shuffling was heard then a gasp. "WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!!!!!" (Bff/N) said, worry in his/her voice. "What," you said, "OH!" You quickly jumped out of bed and looked at the floor to see a puddle of blood from the hatchet dropped by "Ticci Toby," well at least you think it's him. "H-h-he's real (Bff/N). . ." you said quietly. "What! No no no noooo! We're all gonna die! Toby, Jeff, and everyone of the creepypastas are gonna kill us!" (Bff/N) said, starting to have a panic attack. "Hey! Calm down!" you said rushing next to him/her, putting your arm around him/her to help. "They probably won't be after you. Maybe they're just after me," you said trying to help. "Toby, or at least I think it's him, dropped his hatchet last night. So I don't know who's blood that is," you said walking over to your closet to get the hatchet. You were shocked to find it was gone. "Wha-" you said stopping and realizing that he came back. You started walking back and bumping into (Bff/N). "What is it!?!?" he/she said. "He came back. The hatchet is gone! He had the chance to kill me when he came back, but didn't. What does this mean!" You said raising your voice a little to loud. "MY GOD (Y/N), SOME PEOPLE IN THIS HOUSE WANT TO SLEEP!" your mom yelled. "Oops. . ." you and (Bff/N) said. "I can't let my mom find out about this," you whispered, "I can't let anyone find out about this." "We need to clean up the blood then," (Bff/N) said. "Yeah. ." you said leaving your room quietly to get cleaning supplies. Around 5 min later you come back with an old towel that you can throw away, soap, two sponges, and a small bucket of water. "Hopefully this will do the trick," you said setting the stuff near the blood puddle, "So, let's get cleaning." "Okie-Dokie," (Bff/N) said. "No one says that anymore. . ." you said playfully while starting to scrub. "Aww, I thought everyone did," he/she said while starting to scrub.

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