Chapter 7

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A/N~ thanks so much for 200+ reads. I will make a special for 300 reads because I got so many reads so fast. Thanks for all the support.

You and Toby drew for a while. He was struggling, but did pretty well. He tried to draw you while you were drawing him. "How do you do it?" Toby said while chuckling. "It takes a while to learn how to draw well. It took me about three years to get this far," you said. There was silence for a while. Only the sound of pencils writing was heard. "I'M DONE," Toby blurted out loudly. "Ok, ok, let me finish. I'm almost done," you said while laughing. You finished up your drawing. "And now I'm finally done," you said feeling relieved. "Look at mine," Toby said while smiling. (He still has his goggles and mask off) He lifted up his drawing and showed it to you. He wasn't half that bad, but he still needed some work. He got your hair perfect. "Your actually pretty good, Toby," you said while looking at him and smiling. He blushed a bit. "Here's my drawing of you," you said while showing him your drawing. "Can I keep this one too?" Toby said while bouncing up and down a bit. "Yea, you can have as many of my drawings as you want," you said while pointing at your wall of drawings. Toby jumped up quickly and ran to look at all of the drawings. He grabbed almost all of the drawings of himself. "You can draw me really well," he said while turning around and smiling. He went and sat on your bed and folded the drawings and put them in his pocket. You got up and sat next to him. "Hey, can I spend the night?" Toby asked. "Wait, what?!?" you said, shocked. "I don't feel like going back to Slender Mansion. It's already getting late anyways," he said while rubbing his neck and blushing a bit. "Um, yea. I guess you can spend the night," you said while starting to blush too. "Can I have a pair of your pajama pants to wear, then?" Toby said while smirking, "I know I'll be able to fit them because I've seen how huge they are on you." "Stalker!" you yelled while your face flushed completely red. Toby burst out laughing. You stood up and went over to your pajama drawer and grabbed a pair of pants and threw them at him. That only made him laugh harder. "Oh shut up," you said while grabbing yourself a pair of pants. "S-sorry," he said while giggling. "Now, leave while I change pants. You can change in the hall way," you said. He nodded his head and stepped outside. You changed and let Toby back in. He had taken off his hoodie too. He was wearing a black turtleneck. "So, where would you want to sleep?" you asked. "Well, I thought I would be sleeping in your room," he said while blushing a little bit. "Uh, I guess you can. Just watch what you do," you said. "I wouldn't dare to do anything. I swear," Toby said. "Ok, I'm believing you here," you said giggling a little. You went and layed down. Toby seemed a little awkward, but layed down next to you. You and him talked about random stuff before you both fell asleep.

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