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The makhne's room in Kim mansion;

~Kim Jungkook! Wake up you idiot! We need to discuss this shit right now-

~Aish Taetae hyung-ie! Can't we do it later?

~No, dad wants it by evening!

~Please let me sleep a bit more hyung-nim...I came home late yesterday-

~Oh! Really? Ok, I'm sorry buddy! You can sleep, I will talk later then...

~Umm..? Ok thanks hyung...

The elder one smiled and kissed the sleeping makhne's forehead before leaving the room silently by shutting the door behind him and walked away. Guess, he need to complete the assignment alone or Jimin hyung might help him. it's ok, the makhne needs rest, that's more important. he smiled softly before walking to 3rd makhne's room.

...Meanwhile in another room at same mansion;

~Hoseok-ah! Open your eyes!

~Jin hyung please! You know I'm tired-

~I know baby. But Dad is calling us! Namjoon and Yoongi are waiting for us too...

~W-WHAT! Why dad is calling us?

~Don't panic Hobi-ah...

~How can I not? Hyung did I do anything wrong again? I don't remember, what if-

~Aish! Baby listen, nothing will happen, hyung is here ok? I will take care of everything. Now come on, if we be late then he will be mad again!

~O-ok...give me 5 minutes then-


Yeah! It is a perfect normal morning in Kim mansion. Kim's; the number one rich and powerful family in South Korea. No one dares to raise a single finger on them cause if you did the seven demons will end you right then and there.

Kim's are the most terrified in the upper and under world. They run the biggest company in whole country and also they are the name of death in underworld. The ranked one mafia's in Korea...

This whole kingdom is conquered by Kim Hyunshik. But he is not the one who protects it, he is the king of his kingdom...and the one who made it all secure-are his seven sons. Whom he made as his unbeatable warrior and guards!

He treated them as his weapon, not as his sons. He used them like drugs and threw away when it's done. He took care of them only to use in time when he wants.

And now the whole world fears them...cause these seven demons will need only one second to make someone's whole life divested! The world fears them as they are beasty shadows, who can rip someone's heart in bare hand, but in real life? Well, it's totally different!

The boys lost their mother when the eldest one was only 8 and youngest one is just 1! They never have any normal family, they don't know how it feels! A single day wasn't normal and sunny for them. They born in darkness and raised for darkness. All they know is how to obey the commands and kill the peoples! Without it, they don't even what is called love, affection or whatever the beautiful feelings are...

Well it maybe hurts to hear, but those who never felt it, how can they feel bad about it? That's their life styles, their destiny...

But, there is a strange bond between the seven brothers. An unforgettable and unbreakable bond! They love each other like they can kill themselves to protect others. They seven are each other's light in the darkness that their dad created for them.

The place where no one was there to teach how a family works, how they became that much connected with love and care with each other?

Well it's all because of the eldest son Kim Seokjin, he was the person who got to spend most time with his mom and got a personality like his mother. He is the one who stick the brothers together. His brothers rely on him and love him like their mother. He is the person who got the most sufferings and always save his brothers as much as he could.

They are scared of their dad, who is actually their boss. The one whom trained to be monster, day and night made them trainings in dark, scary and cold places, made them stave, beat them or punished them for little mistakes and never showed any love!

They have only themselves. No one else...they are used to this life, but still they are not all machine or just wild beast. They are humans, they want to live and always wants to keep each other happy and safe in this unsafe world...

Wanna explore their life in hell which they made heaven? What is the bond that tie them together like that? Hop in to my new journey bus then...



{I'm an idiot! Any words can't describe how idiot I'm! My exams are going on and my three books are running in together. And guess what? Here I'm! Again started another new book! Wow, just wow!}

The bond that stick us together: A BTS Brotherly AUWhere stories live. Discover now