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this is a fresh new start, what could go wrong? youre going to live your new life, in seoul. youre actually glad you get to be here, turning a cold sholder to the fact youre horrible at making friends, knowing itll be difficult attempting to meet new people, but it'll do.

walking out of the airport, stopping for a minute, then taking a deep breathe to take in the fresh air, after you've been on that airplane for god knows how long, you had gotten jet lag. you yawned, dreading the fact. you've only ever been on an airplane atleast twice. it wasn't something you could really afford at the time. even as a child, you werent.. the richest.

it didn't matter at that moment though, you were finally there. you'd been planning this trip for a while now. even if it's not necessarily a trip.. because you were going to live there from now on. regardless, it was time. you'd been waiting for this moment for so long now. between taking double shifts, and working your ass off. you now had the money, and were able to get hired at a new job, and it's here. here-.. in seoul. you grinned at the thought.

you stopped your zoning state, and decided it was about time to get going now, as you were now planning to meet your roommate. well to your knowledge, you know some things about him.. like that he's a male, which was pretty obvious after you considered the fact that since company you were working under used ,"he", in the same sentence as "your new roomate.. BLAH BLAH BLAH".

he's also apperrantly a year older then you, ALSO under the same establishment, found company.. oh yeah, i guess i forget to add, .. youre working under JYP entertainment.. and apparently "hes" one of THE most popular idols.

"with all the influence he has on not only kpop fans, but the majory of the k-pop industry, as well as the community, with his astounding impact, hes been able to turn up the stage presence throughout the years, appearing under the same group, also with mass amounts of popularity, back in 2018, when the
group had debuted. his delightful, yet impactful stage presence, not only being his singing, rapping, but also his dancing. he has also showed up under song credits, be it with helping out in the studio, writing new lyrics, challenging himself for new choreographys throught their songs, from taking it upon himself to help out with composing and producing aswell." is what they had said. yeah, let that sink in.

you could only guess.. the one and only hyunjin. god, they way you just wanted to start doing flips right where you are. the thought of living with hyunjin was just enough to make you scream at the top of your lungs. they didnt provide much more information. maybe they assumed you knew about him? which wasn't entirely false anyways. youre a BIG TIME stay. lets not forget to mention the fact hyunjins been your ult bias ever since you decided to take a chance to get into skz.

but besides the pount, you had to get going soon enough. you didn't really have a car, you just traveled country, to country. it's not like a car was waiting infront of the airport for you. though you did wish that would occur in this very moment. you were so exhausted. that being said, you called up an uber, and when they came, you wasted no time to get in and tell them the directions and what not.

looking out the window, you let the view sink in, knowing its something youd have to get used to, not that you're complaining. it's beautiful. more then beautiful, even. its very very different from where youre from. and you liked it.

after a not so long drive, you pull yourself out of the car, and make your way to the front door. hesitant to knock, you stare at your hand that's only inches away from the door.

i wonder what he's like.. is he mean? hm.. maybe he's nice. i don't know, heck he could be stupid too.. you thought, whereabouts taking place in your mind rather then your usual though process, whatever you would even consider that anyway.

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