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its been a week since you've moved in, and just a few days until you start your new job. you and hyunjin haven't really been talking recently, him being an idol, and having a very tight schedule this time of year, its been hard to keep up with eachother.

though, of course, you two have kept in touch. its not like you guys completely ignored each other for the sake of being busy. he has done usual greetings every now and then, whenever you guys crossed paths, be it him in the morning, that is if you are awake, leaving the house to get ready for yet another day of being an idol, or when he gets home, which you are able to talk but youve never really had a full on conversation, because once he'd get home, he'd get a serving of the food you had made, then head straight to bed. of course saying a decent good night. that being said, it was really only small talk that had took place between the two of you.

sometimes you would only be able to smile or wave at each other. when he was in a rush, all he would say would be a simple, "good morning! bye!" then wave off and go on with his day. of course, you were upset, but it's understandable how much he has to work, especially considering the fact hes an idol. regardless a really POPULAR idol.

when you get your job, you obviously wont be as busy as he is, but you will be quite busy. either way, you get to hang out with your favorite group, even if its just styling, or doing their makeup. being in the same room as even one of them could get you to freak out nonetheless.

you stood there, infront of the stove, making some food because you knew hyunjin would be here soon. it was like a routine you had gotten used to in the time span of only a week. you'd wake up, make you two breakfast, making sure to wake up ealier then him to have the food ready to go when he wakes up so he doesnt leave with an empty stomach. he'd wake up, get ready, then walk into the kitchen and thank you for the food just before heading out the door, and letting a "good morning! see you later!" slip out before exiting the house.

then usually, he'd text you what he would be doing throughout the day whenever the events occurred. he'd let you know when he's practicing, working in the studio, etc. yes, you guys ended up exchanging numbers a few hours into living together. i mean, why not?

then afterwards, the day would be almost over, so youd start up dinner, before he gets home, so he wouldnt have to wait for his food and instead be fulfilled with the food you provided the moment he walks in the kitchen door. then, he'd just say goodnight, and head off to bed.

however, it was the weekend, and the company had declared a break for skz. so you were planning to hang out with hyunjin to get to know him better. you were gonna be living with each other for god only knows how long, so why not catch up?

as you were finished making dinner, you heard that familiar sound of the door nob rattling, signaling you that it was most likely hyunjin entering the house. it was perfect timing to say the least, considering the fact he was right infront of the kitchen door already, while you were now serving tonight's meal on plates.

he took a whiff of the aroma and smiled brightly just after, something he'd usually do, of course because you were an amazing cook.

"mhm.. smells really good.." he let out, just before walking fully into the kitchen, retrieving his plate and sitting down at the nearby table thats sat at the far end of the kitchen.

you were kind of shocked, seeing how hyunjin complimented your food, which was actually fairly new. he did say his thank yous before and after finishing your oh so delicious meals, but he never said something like that before, it left you giddy.

"huh-? oh.. t-thank you!" you fumbled over your words, relying on the counter to keep you up properly, as you felt week in the knees.

you gave a small smile before turning around and grabbing your plate off the counter, then sitting infront of hyunjin at the small table.

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