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when you two had gotten home, you immediately threw on a pair of sweatpants along with a hoodie to match it, making yourself feel at home, as it will be for god only knows how long. you walk out of your bedroom from changing your clothes a few minutes prior, and make your way to the living room, eyes ever so slightly widening from seeing hyunjin on the couch you were aswell planning to sit on already.

you're still getting used to living in a shared house, considering the fact its also with hyunjin that you're sharing the house in question with, which in someways, still shocks you. but you have somewhat adapted quickly and became a bit more comfortable around him these past few days, finding it pointless to not get comfortable, knowing you'll see him around often anyway.

walking over to the couch, you take a seat beside hyunjin, grabbing a blanket just before throwing it on yourself and getting yourself comfortable quickly. you grab the remote, taking no time to browse through shows and movies along with various other things before you finally get to a point where you had found something, which didn't take much long anyway, because in all honesty, you're not a picky person, and you could easily get used to something even when it wasn't much familiar to you.

clicking the button on the remote, signaling itself to the tv to turn on the movie you had picked, you gently sat the remote back on the small coffee table that was sat not to far from the couch so it wasn't a far stretch to set anything back on the table, making it easier to do so as it was in close range so you could easily get just as comfortable again. as the movie began, you lied down, embracing the warmth of a blanket you had on.

you had seen that hyunjin was now off of his phone and had been paying attention to the tv as the movie started, it made a smile creep up on your face and you giggle quietly to yourself for no reason, which yet, hadn't been unheard by hyunjin as you see him look at you from your peripheral vision, a smirk adorning his face aswell as a quirked up eyebrow in a hint of judgement, yet admiration. he chuckled a bit himself before he began speaking.

"what's got you giggling like that? hm?" he let's out a chuckle once more after he speaks and continues to look at you as you turn your head to him, smiling cheekily. "what? i didn't giggle!" you said but regardless of your point, you let out a giggle again.

"you're lying through your teeth!" he exclaims, a chuckle escaping his mouth as he turns back to the movie playing, still letting his attention be payed to you. you let a scoff before smiling widely. you chuckle quietly to yourself, making hyunjin turn back to you as you speak, "it wasn't even important anyways," you roll your eyes playfully.

he lets out a hums in disbelief and smirks slightly, "sure, sure.." he says before poking your stomach playfully as he lets out a chuckle. he knows not to pester you about it, so he sits back again, turning his vision onto the television. you yourself look back at the tv, beginning to feel invested and intrigued despite your stomach growling. you didn't pay attention to it, much more to the tv. you knew you had to eat soon enough, you hadn't even ate breakfast when you woke up, and now you very much regretted it as your stomach doesn't fail to remind you over and over again by its constant growling.

of course you ate with hyunjin at the picnic, but that added up to about 2 hours ago since you two went shopping after the picnic. you had been running low on food so you thought that while you were at it, you'd go to the grocery store since you were already out, and it had already sounded like a plan to hyunjin. now, you were hungry again.

it was almost like a ringing in your ears and you had finally gave in, groaning in annoyance before you threw your blanket off and jumped off the couch onto your feet. it was definitely a dramatic scene but you couldn't care less knowing that hyunjin himself was dramatic too so he wouldn't have minded much, more or so thought it was ammusing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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