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the movie was finishing up, and you had picked up some tissues a few minutes ago, using them to wipe your tears, hyunjin getting some good laughs out of it, having you poke his chest from time to time everytime he let out a chuckle to your devastated mood, thanks to the movie.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT? WE COULDVE HAD A HAPPY ENDING.. BUT NO? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" you cry out, throwing hands at the tv, visibly frustrated. "this movie was supposed to be cute and fun.." you frown. you repeat the words in your head that you had just said, thinking over them, knowing there were a few people who did say it was gonna be a sad movie, but you nearly just forgot about it because of all the excitement rushing over every other emotion. maybe it wasn't supposed to be cute and fun.. but thats what you want it to be. atleats it WAS cute and fun up until that train station scene.

hyunjin is fighting the verge to fall off the couch, and fall into an endless fit of laughter, just by your overreaction, but regardless, he ends up laughing anyways, making you shoot your head his way, frowning even more.

"hey! you think this is funny? im seriously crying over this stupid movie, and your laughing?" you exclaim, causing his laughter to die down just a bit. he looks at you, puzzled, before laughing again.

you breathe out, trying to contain your anger, though your not really that angry, youre obviously just joking around, but still somewhat hurt by the fact hes laughing at your crying, acting like he wasnt sobbing just a while ago.

"look whos laughing.." you smirk, before jumping on top of him, starting to tickle him, "bet im giving you a reason to laugh now, arent i?" you giggle, continuing to tickle him, resulting to him squirming in pain, but also happiness.

"Y-Y/N-" he screeches out, not being able to stop you. you laugh even more, repeating your actions over, and over again, just until you you were being flipped over, hyunjin on top of you, ruining your plan, and now youre the one being tortured by this reincarnated tickle monster.

"WA-.. WAIT- THIS ISNT F..-FAIR..!" you yelp, trying your absolute best to defend yourself, "I- I INITIATED THIS- YOU- YOU CANT TURN THIS ON ME-" you choke out, not being able to let out a normal enough sentence, even believing hyunjin cant understand a word your saying.

"this is your fault!" he chuckled, tickling you again and again, then bringing it to a stop, leaving you breathless, rolling off the couch. you lied on the floor, starting to catch your breathe, mentally screaming at hyunjin.

"i think i ran out of laughs, so if you ever try to joke around again, if i dont laugh, just know that its all your fault," you stop before proceeding again, "or youre just not funny enough." you giggle.

he rolls his eyes at you, but in a playful way. you finally get up off the floor, grabbing the blanket that had fallen down with you all while hyunjin watches you intently, mind racing when the only thing he could think of was when the two of you were sharing the blanket, basically cuddling up together, giving each other comforting warmth, as the end of the year rolled around, and temperatures were dropping below the 20s nowadays.

you aswell had those moments when you stuck close with hyunjin during the movie, not knowing if it made the man uncomfortable or unsettled. setting the now folded blanket atop the couch, you look at hyunjin, both locking eyes with each other, even knowing you were about to say something, but now you were speechless by how his gaze on you made you so nervous, and flusterd.

"uh.. i- im sorry about.. you know, how i basically cuddled up against you..- i-.." you breathe out, "im sorry if it made you uncomfortable, because i know how we just met not to long ago.. and im already making you share blankets with me and-" you say, but he cuts you off.

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