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passing hours had occurred throughout the day, but faster then usual. days hadnt been fast when you had been all alone all while hyunjin was working. you and hyunjin hanging out made time fly faster, and you wished deeply that it hadnt. mainly because you hoped you could savor the time much more, as you considered your time with hyunjin precious.

sitting down with hyunjin at the park, a red checkered blanket sat under the two of you, and various snacks and finger foods were scattered across the blanket and around the both of you, while you two sat beside eachother, eyes falling on the people jogging, wondering why in such conditions of the weather. besides that, you had also focused on the people feeding the ducks, aswell as the families who had been spending their time togther, enjoying the company they had with the people they trusted and cherished most, especially at this time of year, where people wanted nothing more then to spend their time with people who were very close with.

now, maybe it wasnt the best time of the year for a picnic, but its new, and you like it. picnics in the switch between autum and winter, i mean, why not give it a try? most people find summer better or somewhat superior to winter, or even autum, but youd always think differently. you found autum more appealing, youd say. you grew a liking towards it for as long as you can remember. winter easily scoring second place. people always put summer as number 1 on the pedestal, and of course, summer was good and all, but you thought of it as overrated. it was a stupid debate, and yes, you dont care what other people think about your opinion, much less there ownz but they always rub it in your face whenever you had voiced your own opinion. even if it wasnt a big deal, they bickered nevertheless.

truley, thats all besides the point. you just suggested a picnic, and hyunjin didnt comment anything bazaar like other people would. including your family. you one time offered a picnic when it was in the middle of october years ago, and they called you insane, saying, "what? are you crazy y/n? in THIS weather?", making sure the emphasized the weather for the fact of the matter. though you found it odd they had such a reaction. it was only 70 degrees outside, not much to it. yet they cant stand something below 80, it seemed.

you have always like bundling yourself up in clothes to keep you warm, it was comforting. one thing your mom did when you were a child, during cold times, one of which she had made chilli, and it was the nicest thing. on a cold day, and being able to consume things that kept you warm, also being hot chocolate, had also been your favorite thing. then since it was holiday season, she'd start up the fireplace, and put on christmas movies. something you always cherished, and something you also cant wait to do when you live your life here.

you looked at hyunjin, eyeing him as he took out a sketch pad, observing the scene layed before the two of you, as he began dragging his pencil that was placed in his hand across the page. in all honesty, you loved his interest and passion towards art. it was beautiful, along with his art. you believe some people are artists. and some people themselves, are art aswell. and when it comes to hyunjin, you believed both facts aligned with him. you smiled at the thought.

"i know its weird to ask you to go on a picnic in 40 degree weather," you giggle, before speaking again, "so i apologize for that." you finish, picking up some of the foods layed before you and wasting no time to munch on them.

"no.. its okay! i like it. i like it alot.." he turns to you, smiling, before turning his attention back to his sketch pad. you smile back at him, even if he wasnt looking. looking over his shoulder, you eye down the paper that he had sat down on his lap, you observed it closely, mind racing with his other peices of art, knowing he'll do just as good with the ones he's toying with now.

"its beautiful.." you smile again, now just lightly resting your head on his shoulder unknowingly to get a better look. he turns his head to you, causing you to look up at him, realizing what youre doing, you jerk your head back up, turning the other direction.

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