Triple G Ranch

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 We stepped at the next bus stop and got onto a train to Texas. We walked toward some empty seats and sat down

I sat down as I sipped my sods and ate the jerky

Wesley smiled and said, "You're a cute demigod Valerie.
I blushed as I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled and said, "Thanks I think your cute too."

Lillain smiled knowingly as she pulled out a piece of jerky and sipped her soda.

I glanced out the window as I made sure Frostbite was still in my pocket as the train headed out of the station and toward Texas.

Wesley said,"I hope father didn't take the cattle again."

Lillian said, "maybe Geryon will have some info."

I nodded and said, "yeah maybe."

Wesley nodded and said, "hey val after the quest want have some fun?"

I smiled and said, "Sure like what?'

Wesley had a mischievous smile on his face and said, "We can pick the lock of the Big house and snoop around."

"Won't we get caught? "I said

Me get caught nah."Wesley said

I shook my head smiling at him and said,"Your something else Wesley.'

Wesley laughed and smiled and said,"Thanks your something else too."

I blushed as I sipped my soda

"So have you gotten use to it yet?"Wesley asked

"Gotten use ot what?"I said

"You know being a demigod and fighting monsters and having powers."Wesley said

I shook my head and said,"Still getting use to it."

Wesley nodded and said,"Understood allot is going on."

I nodded and said,"yeah its allot so strange."

Lillian said,"Itsi at first for most of us."

I nodded as the train stopped at the Texas train station and we got off. We walked along looking for Triple G ranch and keeping an eye out for monsters.

There was ranch with sing over the gat that read Triple G ranch.

We headed into the ranch and looked around for Geryon

Geryon walked toward and said, "What you demigods doing at my ranch?"

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Geryon walked toward and said, "What you demigods doing at my ranch?"

I said,"Apllo spoke to us about his cattle"

"OH yeah I bet that thief hemes took his cattle."Geryon said

"Where would he take them?"I asked

"I don't know .I suggest finding Hermes and asking him. Though he will probably won't admit it."

Wesley said, "Yeah."

"Where can we find Hermes."I said

"Either his messaging service or at Olympus."Geryon said

Lillian notched a arrow in her bow and said, "I could send you back to Tartarus right now. I am daughter of Apollo he will bless me to send this arrow though all three of your hearts."

Geryon smiled and said, "Go ahead then or leave my ranch."

I looked at Geryon said," Or I could hit you blast of ice and wind."

Geryon said, "Your Boreas demigod aren't you?"

I nodded and said, "Yes I am." I held my hands out pointed at him and shouted "Ice!"

A jet of swirling ice and snow shot out from hands at Geryon.

Geryon sidestepped the attack and said, "Careful demigod." 

I smiled and said, "I'm not scared of you Geryon."

Geryon said,"You should be."

Lillain said, "Come on lets try find Hermes guys."

I nodded and said, "Right."

We headed out of The Triple G ranch as we looked around for monsters

Valerie Wynter and The Quest for BoreasWhere stories live. Discover now