I am Boreas daughter

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The train rode back to Manhattan terminal, and we got off.

Lillian had contacted Chiron and told them that we completed the quest was was ready be taken back to camp.

Argus pulled up in the camp bus and we got on as he took us back to camp

The Delphi strawberry service bus pulled at Camp half blood.

Chiron was waiting at the entrance to greet us and smiled and said," Congrats Valerie Wynter you have completed your quest as a demigod."

I smiled and hugged Chiron and said, "Thanks

The Apollo cabin congratulated Lillian and Hermes cabin congratulated me and Wesley.

I smiled it was good to back I felt like I finally had place to belong.

We all headed to the campfire to burn our shrouds

The Apollo cabin had painted a shroud with suns and bows and arrows for her.

Lillian tossed it into the fire and watched it burn

The Hermes cabin had painted Wesley one with winged shoes.

Wesley placed his shroud in the face.

I had nobody paint mine do the Ares cabin volunteered it had snowflakes and faces with x's for eyes.

I smiled as I placed it in the fire it was fun to burn

Mr D said, "So the brats didn't die on the quest hurrah and all that."

One the cabin counselors stood up and said,"I think there is no doubt the next bead should be a snowflake for Valerie going on her quest and rescuing Boreas."

Everyone nodded and clapped for us.

."Chiron came over to me after we left the fire and said, "Valerie you're going have make decision whether you want be a year around camper or just a summer camper."

I nodded as I thought about it. I was reminded how Wesley told me earlier that the real world is where you are tested as hero . Also I am demigod of north wind. I recall a story about how the winds was once captured and wind is usually free. "When I am ready, I will make that choice. "I said I headed back to the Hermes cabin

Wesley was sitting on his sleeping bag and smiled and said, "Hey Val."

I smiled and said, "Hey Wesley."

Wesley smiled as he reached in the chest near a bed and pulled out a whoopee cushion and said, "I found this here when I first came here. I think another Hermes cabin member left it behind. Want to have some fun?"

I nodded and said, "Sure."

Wesley smiled as he stood up as he headed out of the cabin.

I smiled as I followed him out of the cabin.

Wesley led me to the big house and picked the lock on the door and opened it

I glanced around making sure nobody saw us

Wesley had his usual mischievous grin on his face as we sneaked inside.

I looked around at the place it was very big I never really got a good look inside except the attic.

Wesley whispered, "Chiron office should be here someplace.' He led me down the hallway

I nodded and whispered, "So wonder who left the cushion?"

Valerie Wynter and The Quest for BoreasWhere stories live. Discover now