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Hello this story will take place during the movie.There will also be twist. But the prologue will take place during the oozesquito outbreak. Anyway let's get this party rolling. I also don't mind if you make fan art of Y/N in her arctic fox form too

No one's Pov

     In the beginning of winter,you and your family were walking through the city of New York until the oozesquito outbreak happened. The family saw what was happening and went to take shelter except they forgot to drag you with them, so you were left in the open. An oozesquito bit you and you suddenly turned into an Arctic fox mutant.  Panicked by this new form, you saw New York civilians also turning into different animals,and other civilians screamed and ran for shelter from the oozesquito. You then ran past animalistic  civilians before you saw four figures in an alleyway. Instinct hit you and you quietly followed them. They suddenly stopped so you stopped as they went inside. Since you have very good memories you will remember this place.

     A few days later, you were exploring the sewers you followed the figures in. You found out that the figures were also mutants from the bug that bit you a couple days earlier. You found the opening and went in it,which was your first time doing. You stared in awe and sniffed around the place. The turtles were here earlier before you came in because it smelled like they left a few minutes ago. You looked through every room and stole a few things and put them in your tail,which you can store stuff in and they don't fall out as you can control what comes out and what doesn't. You stole an orange, red, blue, and two purple sweaters. You also stole some of the purple inventions that were probably still in the making since one of them looked like a flying type thing you took it.

     You then put one of the purple sweaters on to try to hide your tail and ears. You heard talking and felt vibrations and panicked. You saw a vent and jumped to it and crawled,though you did struggle, you made it through. Unknown to you the turtles saw your white tail. You crawled through the vent and exited the sewers. You put the hoodie over your ears and since the sweater is a bit big on you it hid your tail well. As you left the sewer, the shops around you were closing for the night. In the corner of your eye you noticed an instrument store and broke in breaking the glass,it going all over the floor.

    You noticed a violin you wanted for awhile and stole it. Obviously the alarm went off, though lucky for you no one was inside or near the store and you eventually fled from the shop. Meanwhile the turtles, one of them got the notification and they went into action. They went from roof to roof and saw you run with the instrument. They jumped in front of you and your tail fluffed up from getting startled by them. The one with the purple mask saw you with their jacket and said "Is that my sweater? Where did you get that?" You stayed quiet and slowly put the hood down revealing your fox features. They looked at you shockingly.

     The big red one stepped towards you menacingly. You and your reflexes punched him and ran past them pushing them aside. They then started chasing you throughout the streets. You stopped suddenly, the mutants still chasing you,confused expression, but far behind, you took your tail and looked through it quickly. You grabbed the purple invention out of your tail...you didn't know what it was but it looked useful. You quickly put it on and rushed to figure out how it works. After a few seconds you finally knew how it worked. "So long suckers!" You barked as you flew away, the turtles were shocked at this but there was one flaw...the sweater.

     The sweater caught on the propellers,shredding the sweater, and you fell screaming in fear fear. Since it was a habit that you wagged your tail when you were afraid, you wagged your tail. Then as you saw you were nearing the concrete you stopped. You opened your eyes and saw your tail was keeping you afloat. The turtles, their mouths agape from shock, stared at you. You saw that the sweater was ripped and the glider thing was broken from the sweater shreds. You dropped to the floor, took off the equipment,dropped then to the floor, and turned to your tail and grabbed the orange hoodie.

      The turtle with the orange mask gasped loudly and yelled "Hey! That looks like my sweater!" The others shushed him to be quiet and focused back on you. You looked at them, gave a salute and used your tail in the same circular motion and flew away. You looked behind your shoulder and shook your tail a bit while in the mentioned motion, the stuff you stole from them flying out ,except for the sweaters, falling towards them. They quickly grabbed the stuff before any of them hit the concrete and looked up towards you blinked then left.

       A few weeks after that, the turtles were on high alert for you after the incident. A few more days passed and it snowed heavily those days, so you and the red sweater ,which was extremely large on you, went to the park. You walked among the crowds of people and pick pocketed them, stealing a few dollars. You then walked into a store and stored stuff in your tail without the cashier watching. You then walked out of the store  the alarm going off. The clerk noticed this and ran after you. You ,in a panicked state, ran to the park. Since you were a fast runner the cashier,panting from the running, stopped going after you, but the turtles saw what happened and ran roof after roof to get you.

       You heard the  satisfactory sound of snow crunching and vibrations of the turtles' not so quiet steps so you then started walking a bit faster than them. You glimpsed behind you and as predicted saw the turtles, from a couple weeks ago, following you. You  started walking way faster than before through the park,but then you unexpectedly tripped and went head first into a snow hill. This has never happened to you so you were struggling a lot to get out, and you and your senses sensed the turtles watching you struggle from afar. And since winter was coming to a close some of the snow already started melting away, which made your fur change color from a  bright white to a muddy kind of brown. Since the snow hill was slowly melting it was much easier getting out,since the snow was melted the red sweater was wet from the snow. You took it off and put it in your tail.

       You looked at all the turtles,in their winter jackets and hats, and started to make a run for it before the big spiky one grabbed you and held you a bit harshly so you wouldn't escape. You struggled a bit while they were walking back to the sewers. You got tired from the struggle and fell limp and fell asleep hanging there. You all then make it into the turtles home.

       You woke up groggily and opened your eyes. The first thing you noticed was that there were four turtles,a human,and a rat staring at you. The second thing you noticed was that you were in the turtles' hide out tied up to a chair. You blinked at the group and struggled in the chair, you yelped as the struggling  backfired as you suddenly fell face first into the floor. You muffled a groan from the fall. "Should we help them out?" You heard a gruff kinda voice call out. "Yes yes yes please help me." You barked softly. They looked at you and helped you up still tied up in the chair.

       You sighed while using your tail,which was still free, to wipe the dust off and spoke'' Let's start over shall we? I'm Y/N an arctic fox mutant if you couldn't tell. '' The one in the orange mask responded with their names being Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo, April, and Splinter. "Anyway why were you stealing stuff and how did you get our stuff!?" Raphael spoke in an angry kind of manner as I looked at him with a blank expression. "Okay okay how about you calm down...anyway I stole stuff cause I don't have money secondly I stole them from you guys obviously I know where your shelter or whatever this is. And before you ask how I know I followed you guys the first time I got turned into a arctic fox?" The fox answered. "How did you become a mutant when we gathered all the oozesquitoes?" Leonardo asked. "I dunno, one of them just went on me, bit me and now I look like this and now we are here talking about this specific topic and not the topic of why you kidnapped me."

        They all started talking to each other, and apologized about the kidnapping thing, and it took awhile for the turtles to trust you, but they eventually untied you from the chair. After they untied you, you started fidgeting your paw fingers (idk what they're called)nervously. They looked at you fidgeting before you grabbed your tail and grabbed the violin you stole a few weeks ago. You looked at it with stars in your eyes as it was in good shape before putting it back in your tail where it would be safe. That day Splinter,who was a rat, let you stay with them, but since they didn't have enough rooms you would spend the night on the couch which you didn't mind at all.

A/N: This is the end of the prologue the actual chapter 1 will be the next chapter in this story.

Hope you enjoyed prologue.

Total words:1692

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