Chapter 2

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A/N Welcome to the second Chapter Hope you all enjoy this chapter also this story may cause emotional damage

Raph's POV

     "Y/N clearly said, "I got it." Everybody heard them say "I got it." I said to Leo irritated. "Yeah, but I got it with style." Leo says walking to his room, as I follow him saying "But you didn't get it! You lost it, and now we've got a Foot clan satiation, Leo."  I walk into the frame of his door,and see him putting his swords away and removing his socks as he goes into his bed to read a book I enter his room. "What's it gonna take for you to be serious, Leo?" I say covering the light so he is unable to read his book. "And end up with a worry line between my eyes like you? No, no, no. I do not want a Raph chasm." Leo responds. I look at him confused saying,"Chasm?"

      Leo then walks around me stating types of chasms, "You know, valley, gorge, crevasse." I then tell Leo of why I have a chasm,"The only reason I have a chasm if I have to worry about you bozos 24/7. You just don't get it, Leo. I'm the oldest here. I'm responsible for keeping us safe and making sure we can handle anything that comes our way. Cause If I don't you could all end up dead." I finish talking and looked at Leo leaning on his bed reading his book."Sorry. I missed that. Can you repeat everything from... Well, everything..?" Leo looks at me saying this.


      I leave the room where I was healing from my injuries from the battle earlier. As I head to the living room I jerked my head and my tail spiked up as Leo went through the wall. Leo gets up and starts getting his hand up in a defensive action as he says to Raph,who was in his mystic form,"No wonder you always want to train. You really need the practice." As Donnie restrains Raph,while Mikey restrains Leo I stay on the side watching the argument. I look towards Raph as he tells Mikey to let Leo go before Splinter calls out to them from the top of the stairs,"Boys! Stop this arguing."

     As Splinter comes down the stairs I fluffed my tail and and covered myself not wanting to be part of this family stern talking to, as the snapping turtle tries to argue,"But dad, Leo keeps—" But Splinter interrupted him with his tail saying, "No more. You are a team. You are brothers. And most importantly, you are too loud! I cannot hear my TV show! Tristan finally proposed to Annabelle but did she say yes? I don't know because of you! Be the ninjas I taught you to be, respectful and quiet!" I stare at him with a blank face as he started to mention his TV show. Splinter then leaves to possibly return to watch the TV show he mentioned.

     I head over to the arcade my tail swishing behind me. I play the dance dance revolution the guys had. I play for a few hours before I hear Mikey calling me over to where Splinter is always watching TV. I go over and see a boy tied up in a chair. "And then I saw that picture and brought him here." April tells the guys as she saw me. I look at the boy intently before I see him blink his eyes open looking at Leo. "Sensei?" The boy says as Leo yelps as the other notice that he's awake. Splinter looks at me and instruct me to sniff him to see where he came from.

     I go over to him as he continues to talk as I sniffed him," It's you! It's all of you. Together! I never thought I'd see you again! I'm so happy I could hug you!" After I took a whiff, I instantly scrunched my nose, and instinctively uses my tail to push him into the floor. I go back to the others my nose still scrunched, while Raph picks him up, while the projector fall and the lights turn on. All of them start interrogating him asking him questions like, " Who are you, and why do you have a picture of us?" While Leo just talks about how handsome he is in the photo, and that Mikey is asking for his favorite pizza. "And why are you wearing genius build apparel? That's trademarked!" Donnie tells the boy,unknown to him he activates a grappling hook and it hits him knocking him down. I see the chair go up and I run towards it grabbing it down saying" He's trying to escape!" While the Mikey tries waking Donnie up, Raph and April going into fighting poses, and Leo trying to get a piece of popcorn before Splinter uses his tail to swat his hand away.

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