Chapter 5- Hidden Gems

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Chapter 5

"Okay, what is going on between you and Taehyung?"

I laugh as Talia pulls me back to her office, Taehyung was still talking with Kya and a few other important people. "Nothing why? I haven't seen him since that day," she gives me a 'yeah right' face as she leans against her desk. "I'm being serious, why?"

She eyes me again and then finally speaks, "he's like crushing hard on you then, he couldn't take his eyes off you the whole meeting and FYI you're the reason he signed with us." Now I'm the one to give her the 'yeah right' face making her laugh. "I'm serious, he agreed to sign if you'd be the lead model in the campaign because you inspire him."

I blush at her words, making her squeal. "Stop, I'm sure it's not like that. He literally told me he's not looking for anyone just like me he likes to play the field or whatever," she rolls her eyes before pulling me back out into the hall. "I've known Taehyung for a while now he isn't one to play the field, I'm surprised he hasn't told you about his last relationship yet." I arch a brow at her as Ky and Taehyung emerge out of the conference room, my wheels are turning now as I look at the beautiful man in front of me. What was so important about his last relationship?

"You two should go out and celebrate, we'd love to join but the work day isn't done yet. This wine likes to work me to the bone,"

Talia says glaring over at Kya, she only laughs before pulling Talia to her side. "You have to put in the hours now because soon you'll-" Talia quickly covers her mouth as I arch my brow at the two, what was that all about? "We'll talk later I promise," Talia says eyeing me, I nod though my gut instinct is telling me something is wrong. I can see it in both of their eyes but they're trying to cover it up. "Now you two go have a late lunch or something," Taehyung smiles over at me making me already want to say no. I've never been one to be nervous or intimidated by a man but he just made me instantly feel that way.

"I'm free for a bit if you'd like to grab some food."

I nod despite my better judgment. "Okay, let's go," I smile, giving a weary look towards my two friends. They both hug me tighter than normal before pushing and Taehyung and I out the door. "They're being weird huh?" I finally say once we are out of the building. "A little bit but I'm sure it's fine, no? We don't have to go to lunch if you'd rather stay and see what's up," I can see the slight disappointment in his eyes at his own words and this confuses me. For someone who wasn't looking to date, he did seem interested, maybe he did have a crush? Or maybe I'm reading into things?

"It'll be fine let's go get something warm, you can pick."

He smiles I can see the excitement fill his eyes once again as we start to walk a bit, "no car today?" He chuckles and stuffs his hands in his pockets as we walk side by side. "It's in the shop actually, someone hit me the other day," my eyes widen as I look him over. "Oh my god are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" He shyly smiles and shakes his head. "No I'm okay luckily I wasn't in the car at the time," I nod my head as we continue to walk, his arm keeps brushing against mine as he stays close by me. It urged me to hold his hand but thank god they were in his pockets. I cross my arms over my chest as we continue to walk.

"This way, the place I want to take you to is right around the corner."

I smile up at him and nod as I follow him around the corner and into some hole in the wall, as soon as the old couple sees Taehyung they have big smiles and greet him. I can tell by the smell the food was about to be amazing. "I'm guessing you come here often," I tease as they sit us at their quote-on-quote best table, the couple was pretty adorable. "They have the best food," he cheeses, we don't even order or get a menu as the older lady starts to bring us drinks and some starter plates. I raise a brow at Taehyung and he shyly chuckles, his cheeks rosy.

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