how could you be so cruel?

45 1 0

namjoon rubbed his eyes and looked again at where the figure he just saw was sitting.

he reached for his phone begrudgingly, squinting as he opens his phone with its brightness still on the highest.

with one tap on his screen, his whole room brightened and he came to a realization that he was faced with no one leaning back on one of his cabinets.

he pans his phone left and right just to make sure he was to blame his lack of sleep for seeing such absurd things.

"leave me alone." namjoon dropped his phone in both annoyance and exhaustion and stared straight at his ceiling until gray dots start to appear.

the slow ticking of the clock hung across his bed made him decide to get up and distract himself from going back to sleep.

namjoon swayed his feet for a few seconds before focusing on the moonlight that has escaped through the in-betweens of the curtains that are slightly more opened than when he had left it a while ago.

he stood up and walked towards to where the moon is and reached for the curtains.

he flexed his hand under the light that is provided by the moon and smiled at the thought of the moon shining softly every night just to give people a break from the always beaming sun during the day.

a sudden gush of wind surprised namjoon, making him step back from where he stood earlier.

never in his eighteen years of living did he expect to see a human with full grown wings stare back at him, crouching as it tries to fit itself between the small given space between namjoon's windows.

"oh my fucking gosh," namjoon stepped back once more and breathed sharply as he tries to grasp what was happening in front of him at two a.m in the morning.

the person threw something first inside of namjoon's room and followed suit.

namjoon sat still on the floor, calculating each movements the other makes.

"you can see me?" the person croaked out, voice rough from not having to speak for long.

"o-of course, my god, of course." namjoon replied, hands clung on tightly on each of his legs.

the former winced before talking and only then did namjoon noticed the beads of blood dropping from the stranger's back to his floor, "you seem tense, my apologies if i have frightened you."

namjoon looked intensely at the stranger's eyes to see if something changed, if even just a small glimmer of light disappeared for him to note that the person in front of him is not genuine about what they had just said.

he saw nothing.

"it's alright, i guess." he finally replied, still clutching the sides of his legs.

"you're hurt."

the stranger looked up to him in confusion, "pardon?"

"i said, you're hurt. you're even bleeding." namjoon gathered his remaining courage and stood up, going near to the stranger to offer a hand.

"'tis nothing but a scratch, i am fine."

namjoon rolled his eyes and attempted to hold the stranger's hand, only for them to retract their hand, showing that they don't want to be touched.

he pocketed his hands and sat on his bed, looking around at his own room before apologizing to the stranger, "sorry."

"don't be, it is fine."

namjoon nodded and looked at his clock.

two-thirty one a.m.

he yawned and looked back at the figure sitting in front of him.

suddenly, a small light appeared when the stranger hovered their hand over their wound. when they lifted it up, the fresh wound namjoon had just saw seconds before was instantly gone as if it hadn't been there in the first place.

"how did you do that?"

"hmm?" the stranger looked at him, "are you not capable of doing that?"

namjoon laid back at his bed, "not that i know of."

"well," he continued, "you could have done that a while ago."

"i cannot do such thing immediately." the person said plainly.

"what? does it have to load first or something?" namjoon joked expecting to get a laugh out of the stranger. alas, he was met with just the whirring sound of his old electric fan that his mother bought for him when he first moved in his place.

"i am not quite sure if i understand what you mean." they replied, hearing a satisfying pop coming from their back while fixing their posture.

namjoon waved his hand in a way to tell the stranger to just disregard his previous statement.

"anyway, i never caught your name."

instead of giving an answer, the stranger just stared at him.

"alright. for this to be fair, i'll be saying my name first." he started, "my name's namjoon."

the stranger picked up their bow then stood up, walking towards the window. they looked at namjoon one last time before preparing to what namjoon guessed is fly and replied,


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