Tiny Dancer

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The last bell rang, and Roman waited by Crimson's locker.

"So where are you taking me today ?"

"Wait you are letting me drive your car ?"

"Yeah unless you don't want to."

"I just always thought I would be the passenger."

"Maybe this is my way of seeing if I can trust you"

Roman hands over his keys to Crimson. He grabs both of their bags on each shoulder. They both walk out to the parking lot.

Crimson unlocks the car, Roman puts their bags into the back. Once they open their doors, Crimson gets into the driver's seat, adjusting to how she liked it.

"Well, this feels weird being in the passenger seat. I don't know if I like this." Roman smirks.

"Well I am a great driver, you will be in good hands."

Crimson revved up the car before taking off to her secret location. Roman controlled the radio on their drive.

Roman looked over watching her drive. A smile grew on his face, he liked the idea of stealing looks. It had excited him that she wasn't from his world.

Crimson started to hum along to the songs on the radio. Crimson was starting to feel comfortable around him. Before she knew it she was starting to sing quietly to herself.

"I can't hear you Red."

"Oh, you weren't supposed to. I don't really let anyone hear me sing. I just stick to dancing."

Crimson pulled up to the older strip mall parking in front of a dance studio reading "Encore Dance Academy". Crimson turned off the car.

"Welcome to my world, Roman. This is my mom's old dance studio. I come here often when I need to think or to just practice without the outside world getting in the way."

I didn't know she had a studio, you never mentioned that when you were telling me about yourself."

"Yeah the only person that knows is my best friend Jett. I like to keep this place a secret. This is going to be mine someday. Come on, let me show you inside."

Crimson and Roman got out of the car, Roman took the keys locking the car. Crimson grabbed her set of keys unlocking the door.

"Don't worry there are no classes today. I made sure of it before coming here."

Roman opened the door for Crimson, she walked in, turning on the lights.

"Okay I am ready for the tour Red."

Crimson and Roman start to walk around the small studio, they walk into the one where her mother teached the most.

Crimson's whole body relaxed as she walked further into the room. Crimson faced the mirror with Roman close behind. Crimson liked the idea of Roman being taller than her.

"Ro, this is my mom's studio, the one where she teached in. I come here when I need to feel close to her. "

"This is pretty cool Red."

"I could spend hours here if you let me. It's to the point where my parents ask me where I am."

"What's one style you love to do when you are here?"

"I love contemporary dance because I love getting lost in the music. I love getting to express emotions that I don't get to on the dance team."

Crimson placed her keys on the hardwood floor, taking her shoes off. Crimson walked over to the barre. Roman watches her in awe as she sketches.

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