ʚ Kim Taeyeon ɞ
- 19 years old
- pretty but wearing glasses
- a nerd
- likes Baekhyun
- cute and smart
- really kindʚ Byun Baekhyun ɞ
- 19 years old
- very handsome
- smart
- kingka
- liked by all female studentsʚ Kim Seokjin ɞ
- 19 years old
- Baekhyun's best friend
- funny person
- smart and kind
- cuteʚ Park Chanyeol ɞ
- 19 years old
- Baekhyun's best friend
- happy go lucky person
- cute and smart too
- kindʚ Tiffany Hwang ɞ
- 19 years old
- Taeyeon's best friend
- pretty and smart
- eye smile princess
- very kind and softʚ Kim Yura ɞ
- 19 years old
- Taeyeon's best friend
- pretty and smart
- kind
- very mean
- ice princessʚ Ahn Hani ɞ
- 19 years old
- Baekhyun's ex girlfriend
- rude
- pretty-
If there are additional characters, I will mention them in a specific chapter. Hope you guys enjoy this book ♡ .
Feel free to leave some comments to let me know if you likes these characters ! ✨