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"Catch me!" "

"Yah Park Chanyeol!!!"

Tiffany's scream startled Taeyeon and Yura who were sitting and eating food. Yura shook her head at the couple.

Taeyeon laughed watching them while Yura looked at them with a disgust.

"They are so sweet!" Taeyeon commented.

Yura glanced at Taeyeon. "Ew, no." she replied sarcastically.

"You're just jealous because Tiffany is now with Chanyeol while you don't have a partner." suddenly Jin got busy.

Yura continued to elbow the man. "Ow!" Jin moaned in pain and Yura laughed while stuck out her tongue.

Yes, it's true.

Now Tiffany and Chanyeol are together and they will extend their marriage next month. Taeyeon also doesn't know how Chanyeol and Tiffany can fall in love with each other.

Whereas from before, they often fight.

Taeyeon smiled in silence while Yura and Jin now are fighting with each other. Suddenly someone pecked on her right cheek.

Taeyeon startled a little and she turned to her right. Baekhyun smiled while sitting next to her.

"Why are you smiling?" he asked softly while gently rubbing Taeyeon's belly.

Yup, Taeyeon is now eight months pregnant.

Taeyeon shook her head while enjoying the sea view. Baekhyun looked to Taeyeon's left and saw Yura fighting with Jin. He shook his head with a chuckle.

Tiffany and Chanyeol just came to them laughing. Baekhyun likes the current situation. They are all happy and not like before.

Baekhyun smiled happily as he watched them all, and finally Taeyeon. He gazed at Taeyeon lovingly.

He didn't expect, he could finally be with this girl. He also did not expect that the girl he once rejected has now become his wife. He used to dislike Taeyeon, but now he loves this girl so much that he doesn't want to let her go.

He gently stroked Taeyeon's rather large stomach. Taeyeon looked at him with a thin smile.

Baekhyun then glanced at his friends. "Guys, me and Taeyeon go back to the villa first. Taeyeon is tired." he tells them.

After all, they had been on the beach for almost two hours. The others just nodded and waved at them happily.

Taeyeon woke up slowly helped by Baekhyun. They both said their goodbyes before walking away. The others stared at their figures.

"So sweet!" Tiffany exclaimed.

"I know right. So Chan, Fany-ah, your guys turn?" Jin teased them.


"Oww.." The result is, Jin earned a slap from Tiffany and Chanyeol.

Yura just laughed watching them.


"Be careful."

Baekhyun led Taeyeon and slowly helped Taeyeon to sit up on the bed. Taeyeon let out a small sigh after she sat down.

Her husband stared at her while stroking her hair gently.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly.

Taeyeon glanced at Baekhyun before she shook her head slightly.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired." the answer is weak.

Baekhyun smiled and kissed his wife's head with love. "Get some rest." he said.

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