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Tiffany eat her cereals slowly while staring at Taeyeon. Taeyeon who was pouring the milk into her glass, noticed it.

She frowned and put the milk. "Is there something at my face?" she asked Tiffany.

The eye smile girl shakes her head and continued eating her breakfast. Taeyeon felt weird even more and she looked at Tiffany again.

Tiffany put the spoon down and cleared her throat. "I didn't saw your car outside at the garage. So, how you get home yesterday?" she asked back.

Taeyeon was stunned before she scratching her head slowly. "Umm.." she mumbled.

Tiffany raised her eyebrows.


"By a taxi of course!" Taeyeon lied.

Tiffany scoffed. Taeyeon doesn't know that Tiffany saw them yesterday. Baekhyun and Taeyeon.

"You think I don't know who send you yesterday?" Tiffany smirked.

Taeyeon widened her eyes. "W-what are you talking about?!" she tries to denied it.

"Why are you stuttering, Taeng? I didn't tease you and Baekhyun. I just asked and guessed. I saw you and him yesterday. So, what's up?" Tiffany lifted her chin.

"What's up, what? Of course nothing. He just send me home even I don't want it. Trouble maker." Taeyeon mumbled.

Tiffany smiled. "You really hate him?" she suddenly asked.

"Ugh, what a stupid question, Fany-ah. Of course I am!" Taeyeon almost screamed but she managed to control it.

She then gulped the milk and got up. "I have to go now. By a taxi. Bye." she waved at Tiffany before she grabbed her handbag and leave Tiffany alone.

Tiffany just shakes her head.

"But your face shows opposite." she muttered slowly.

She then heaved a slight sigh and pushed the bowl of cereals away. She don't want to eat it anymore. She was busy thinking about Taeyeon.

Especially, the girl's feelings. Is she really loves Kibum already or she still have feelings for Baekhyun but she deny it?

This is more complicated than add maths. I swear!

Hissed Tiffany's heart. Sometimes, she stared at Taeyeon's face, she still thinks that Taeyeon still have feelings for Baekhyun. But she did not sure about that.

Because when Taeyeon is with Kibum, she changed. But Tiffany saw no sparkles in Taeyeon's eyes like other people who fall in love, their eyes will sparkled when they stared at the person that they love.

But, not Taeyeon.

"Something's off." Tiffany mumbled.


Kibum pulled the chair and let Taeyeon sits. Taeyeon smiled and thanked her fiance. Kibum then sit next to her and raised his hand.

The waitress went to them and handed the menus. She waited for a while before Taeyeon and Kibum started to ordered their foods and drinks.

"Spicy ramen and strawberry juice for me. Taeyeon, what do you want?" he looked at Taeyeon.

"Just give me kimchi fried rice and plain water only."

"Oh ya, one set of tteobokki with the cheese on top please. Thanks." Kibum added before smiled.

The waitress nodded and take back the menus before she bowed and walked away from their table.

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