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                •Basic Information•

🔴Name- Occa Sanders
🔴Age- 33
🔴Sexuality- polysexual and genderfluid
🔴Gender- Female
🔴Species- Human, sander side
🔴Nicknames- Olly
🔴Reason for nicknames- male name
🔴From a Fandom?- Sander Sides
🔴Zodiac sign- Taurus

  •Physical appearance and traits •

🟠Hair color- pink
🟠Hair type and length- wavy long
🟠Eye color- left eyes is silver blue and the other is corrupted, making it completely black
🟠Skin tone- ivory
🟠Face shape- round
🟠Body type- triangle
🟠Birthmarks- n/a
🟠Scars- the grey and black marks
🟠Predominant features- the grey and black marks
🟠Height- 5'2
🟠Dominant hand- right
🟠Hair Style- parted
🟠Jewelry/ Accessories- earrings, nose piercing
🟠Are they healthy or not? Reason why- no, pretty skinny
🟠Allergies- cotton
🟠Glasses?- none
🟠What do they wear when they are home alone?- hoodie, they basically have loved by themselves for awhile
🟠Tattoos- put on tattoos that kids get


🟡Speech Style- quiet and timid
🟡Quirks- n/a
🟡Positive traits- kind and bubbly
🟡Negative traits- overthinks and remembers recurring past trauma
🟡Drives/Motivation- to not be like her sister Void
🟡Sense of Humor- idk
🟡Private or Public?- private all the wayyyy
🟡Leader or Follower?- follower
🟡Daredevil or cautious?- cautious
🟡Optimistic/ Pessimistic/ realistic?- pessimistic
🟡Speaker or Listener?- listener
🟡Accent- Florida
🟡Voice Claims- (not decided yet)
🟡Theme Song- n/a
🟡Temperament- takes a lot to make her angry, then your shit about to get recked
🟡Talents- sowing
🟡Flaws- insomniac
🟡Loud or quiet?- quiet
🟡messy or organized?- messy but she tries to be organized
🟡solo or team player?- solo player
🟡introvert or extrovert?- introvert
🟡relaxed or serious?- relaxed but uptight
🟡What will always make them cry?- past trauma
🟡Do they celebrate there birthday?- not before but in the story the will start doing it
🟡What will make them Smile?- idk yet


🟢Hometown- Gainesville, Florida
🟢Social Class- middle class ig
🟢Education- poor
🟢First memory- being formed and her sister
🟢Worst memory- her sister killing herself Infront of her
🟢Best memory- being
🟢Most important childhood event, why?- after her sisters death, a black streak appears in her hair and her right eye turns to black. this signifies that her sister will forever be apart of her and her life. since Void represented Thomas' depression she had too fill that gap for a side- but it takes a nasty affect on her and forever will.
🟢Most influenced by- Void
🟢Role models- Thomas
🟢Where does the character live? And with who if they live with someone- she lives in the mind palace like all the other sides, but the sides are separated by walls- one side for the lights and the darks so they wouldn't have to mingle with each other. But when Void and Occa formed as sides Thomas repressed his feelings/them at a very young age so they got there own apartment sized area- never to come out again ( unless they were sneaking food into there place, the apartment counts as the wall to separate the light and dark sides so there's two secret doors on each side so they can steal food an other things from them )
🟢Do they want to move and where?- they like there area so they wouldn't move, even with all the trauma
🟢Type of childhood- traumatic but she can barely remember any of it
🟢Upbringing- traumatic
🟢Best Qualification- since Occa represents LOVE, she can take on 5 forms of it. Toxic/ depressing love, good love, average (herself), or angry/abusive love.
🟢Most important person in there life and why?- all of the sides bc they help her feel appreciated
🟢House environment- quiet when Void left, she can be as chaotic as she wants
🟢Childhood crush- any straight girl Thomas had a crush on when he was younger, but when she was repressed into the mind palace she was numb to a good portion of his thoughts- especially his love life

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