03: Panic Attack

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"He'll be just fine"- Daniel Amen, Justin's neuropsychiatrist and his overall doctor said after adjusting the medication's dosage. Scooter was quick to call him when they got to the hospital- "Overheat, exhaustion, and dehydration combined could never result in a positive thing, but he will fully recover in no time".

Justin woke up a couple of minutes after arriving at the hospital. He was frightened and completely out of it, so the doctors agreed in giving a mild sedative to calm him down so they could care for his needs. After worrying Scooter sick, scaring Hailey to death, and making Mama Jan almost scream at the front desk lady who wouldn't let her in the room, Justin was awake. Kind of loopy and overly tired but awake.

"But we still got to chat, young man"- the doctor looked at the sleepy boy, that was having his head caressed by his beloved wife- "The numbers of scares like the one we had tonight are increasing, huh? You're getting sick way more often. You know what that means?"

Justin nodded. He was laying down, a grey hoodie covering the top of his hospital gown. His forehead was still a bit sweaty from the fever he was running but you could no longer hear him struggling to breathe. A white fluffy blanket was pulled all the way up to his chest and he was surrounded by wires that connected his body to the monitoring machines.

"We'll have to slow you down"- Dr. Daniel continued, looking at Scooter and Allison now- "I know he's got obligations but the touring routine with his health situation, right now, it's out of the question. No way".

"I'm not canceling on anybody"- Justin said in a hoarse tone- "I'm okay, really. Even staying in the sun for too long can cause heatstroke to anybody. I just wasn't careful this time, but it's fine. I will just drink more water and take my cooldowns more seriously. I overdid it because I was excited, but I will take more caution".

Everyone's hearts dropped at Justin's words. They all knew he was trying so hard to make his body functional during the tour, but all these episodes kept pushing him back.

"Babe let's just listen to the doctor first, alright?"- Hailey said, as she held his hand. He was still receiving fluids thru an IV.

"I don't want to listen"- you could tell he was growing more and more impatient- "Everyone keeps saying that I can't do stuff, but I can. I've been taking care of my body and I'll perform".

"Justin, we're not saying you can't..."- Allison started but he was quick to cut she off.

"You are"- his voice became shaky, and Hailey was the first one to figure that he was about to cry- "I'm the one who's sick, and I'm the one that wants to perform. I don't care that I'll feel like shit afterward if those are the consequences of me touring!"

Mama Jan frowned and her heart ached as he let off a pathetic sob. Scooter walked over and got closer to the bed in an attempt to path Justin on the back and offer as much support as he needed, but was quick to stop when he noticed that his first sob was followed by plenty more.

"Hey, baby, it's okay"-Hailey shushed and tried to pull him in a hug, but Justin didn't move. He kept looking down at his lap, hands on his ears and mouth a little open as a desperate cry kept on continuously escaping his lips. He gasped for air, making the doctor take a step closer to him- "Baby, look at me"- Hailey tried again.

All the five adults in the room could tell he was having a panic attack. They've all been there with Justin before.

Hailey gently took his hands off his ears, but they didn't stay lowered. He put them back where they were before and cried a bit harder. She pulled his body and hugged him tightly, rubbing his back in soothing circles as everyone just watched in pure agony.

"You're okay, you'll be just fine. I'm here, everything's alright"- she whispered lightly, never stopping with the back rub.

"I'm going to inject something to make him sleep"- Dr. Daniel said, only making Justin's sobs get louder.

"No, it's fine"- Hailey interfered- "He's going to be fine on his own, there's no need for medication".

She could clearly see him shaking as tears and more tears kept on falling on his red cheeks. She kissed his forehead and took his hands once again as he opened his eyes.

"I- I wan-na per-f" – he tried to get out, but his cries wouldn't let him.

"I know, we'll talk about it, okay?"- she said, as hugged him once again- "There's no need to get upset, we will do everything we can to keep you on tour, okay?"

Hailey didn't even know if he was listening to her, but she kept on going, telling him it was alright and that he was just fine. They counted to six together and slowly, Justin started to calm down.

She caressed his face and smiled when he was just crying lightly.

"You're doing perfect, baby"- she whispered and kissed his forehead- "Keep breathing, okay? You're fine".

Justin was embarrassed when he noticed that everyone, including a nurse he didn't know, watched him cry, but when it came to panic attacks, he couldn't help it. He was, in fact, a sensitive person and has always been a crier, but panicking seemed way more embarrassing for him. He became completely quiet and just emitted a shaky sigh, looking over at Scooter.

"We'll make it work, okay?"- Scooter said as he patted Justin's shoulder- "You know I love you and only want you to be happy, but I can't ignore your health, buddy. Do you understand that?"- Scooter had a way of talking to him that was something else. Even though Justin felt like a child sometimes, it was the way that always worked- "But, we will be a team and work it out, with your doctors, of course".

"I'm going to keep you here one more night and run a bunch of tests, alright?"- Dr. Daniel exclaimed, looking at his clipboard- "We'll wait for the results and then, come up with ways and treatments to boost your immune system. That should make it easier for your body to fight infections and viruses".

Justin nodded, he still got teary eyes but was happy that his team would make everything that they could to attend to his wish.

"And I'm going to space out your compromises so you can have a bit more time to rest, alright love?"- Allison said with a smile, making Justin smile back.

Hailey pecked him on the lips and smiled at Justin's blotchy face. She wiped some tears still on his cheeks, and he thanked her with a small smile.

"What about a nap, babe?"- she whispered and ran her hands thru his hair, making him relax even further at her touch. Justin was always a weak mess after a panic attack, so he just agreed. Not even 5 minutes passed, and he was yet all wrapped in deep rest. 


Chapter 03 is finally here! Sorry, guys, this is more of a filler chapter. I'm so tired because I had a bunch of school stuff today, so I ran out of ideas! Please, leave a comment with a suggestion for the next chapter!

Hope you guys enjoy! 

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