11: Mom-Son fight

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Justin woke up a while after Hailey got home, as she shook his body gently when Josh, their cook, informed her that the dinner was almost ready. She wasn't sure if Justin would be up for food, but Pattie insisted he tried some. He sat on the couch next to his wife, his head on her chest as she rubbed his hair lightly. Justin was in an off mood, and everyone noticed. He was unusually quiet and wincing every now or then but insisted he was doing okay.

Hailey felt her leg get numb after sustaining Justin's body for so long and adjusted her position, accidentally bumping her knee on his butt as she tried to get a bit more comfortable. She didn't even have the time to apologize as Justin squinted his eyes closed and let out a painful moan. When he peeled his eyes open, Hailey could see a small tear escaping:

"I'm so sorry, baby"- she whispered, hugging him gently and kissing his warm lips. Justin smiled slightly to tell her it was alright, but he kept his eyes shut tight, trying to take deep breaths to relieve himself from the pain. His whole bottom was sore and bruised on both sides and he was being careful even to sit down not to touch the stop where he got the shots.

"I want to go to sleep"- he whined, letting another tear escape. It seems as if he was doing his best to hold everything that he felt that night, but the pain from the accidental bump was all that he needed to let a desperate cry out "I don't feel good".

Pattie, that was sitting on the table, typing away on her computer, probably solving some stuff from her personal work, heard Justin's cries and was quick to pay attention to him. Hailey rubbed his back and tried to soothe him, but he kept on saying that he would just go to bed.

"Justin, you're not going to bed without dinner"- Pattie said and Justin shot her a stern look- "You don't want more shots, huh?"

In her last sentence, he got mad. He was already frustrated at her since she made the, in his opinion, dumb decision, of letting the pharmacist give her son two shots at one time. But her small threat was enough to push him to the limit:

"I don't have to want anything, huh?"- he snapped- "You would do it anyway. Perhaps both shots that I took today weren't enough, right? Do you want to call Walgreens and ask them to give me two more?"

"Oh please, Justin. Have some respect, it's not my fault your doctor prescribed that medication. And yes, if you don't eat, he may prescribe more injections. You never learn, don't you?"

"You are the one that has to have some respect, mom. You know I'm afraid of needles and that shit fucking hurts, but you let them do it. You didn't respect my fear or that I'm already fucking sick and in pain. So, fuck you. You're not the one that takes care of me when I'm sick, so you don't have the right to make me eat or shit."

By the end of the sentence, Justin was sobbing. Pattie was speechless and just watched as her son stormed out of the room, slightly limping as he followed upstairs to his room. Hailey watched as Pattie stood up and followed him up, looking pissed.

"Oh God"- she whispered but Scooter heard her and nodded, getting the same feeling. He sat next to Hailey and tapped her shoulder.

A while later, they both heard  Justin screaming something that seemed like a "fuck you, let me out". Pattie rushed downstairs with a key in her hand and a hurt expression on her face.

"I'm sorry for this, guys"- she said- "I can't believe I have to ground Justin at his age. He looks fifteen with this childish attitude".

Hailey didn't say anything, and Scooter didn't even dare. She just watched as Pattie placed Justin's phone and the TV remote on the living room table. After a while, they were called for dinner, but they couldn't even eat right as Justin's screams and sobs were heard in every corner of the house.

Hailey didn't want to get in the middle of Justin's and Pattie's argument, but she couldn't bear to listen to Justin's cries anymore. She ran upstairs and glued her ear to the door. She couldn't let him out but at least she could try to calm him down a little:

"Babe"- she whispered as close to the door as she could.

"Hails?"- he asked in the smallest voice she ever heard, as little sobs took the place of his voice- "L-met me o-out, ple-ase"

"I can't, baby"- she said, wanting to cry herself- "Your momma put you there, I can't open the door, but I will talk to her, alright? Stop crying, please, love"

"N-no"- he bawled like a small child- "Hailey, please. Let me out, please".

"Listen to me, Jay. Why don't you lie down a little bit and try to go to sleep? I will talk to your mom, okay?"

"I d-don't feel g-ood"- he cried, ignoring what she was trying to tell him. His claustrophobia was kicked in and he was getting more and more impatient with every second "P-please"

"I'm going to talk to her right now, okay? Hang on, baby!"

Hailey walked back into the living room, but Pattie said that Justin needed some more time to think. She didn't go back to his door, but she kept on hearing his sobs and screams for another hour until they stopped.

"Pattie, please, let the kid out"- Scooter said, worrying about not hearing Justin anymore- "He learned the lesson already"

When she nodded, Hailey got the key and rushed upstairs. She twisted the doorknob open, and her heart broke at what she found. Justin was there, in a deep sleep, curled up in a ball on the floor, right next to the door. His head was on the pillow he put there, and he hugged a fluffy blanket. His face was a mess as tears were still on his pink cheeks and his body was a trembling mess.

She kneeled next to him and focused so much on Justin that she hadn't noticed the pool of transparent puke next to his body.

"I'm here, baby"- she said as he peeled his swollen eyes open- "It's okay".

"H-hurts"- he murmured, and she got worried because he seems completely out of it, his eyes wandering around the room, disoriented. She started to freak out as she touched his forehead and cheeks. She had never felt someone that clammy before.


Hey, this is a chapter based on @MoonwalkerBelieber94 but my writing kind of sucks this week. I'm sorry! 

I'm studying for finals so there's not much time for me to write these days. Either way, hope you like it! The next chapter is going to be way better, I swear! 

Leave suggestions, please! 

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