10: Walgreens

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It's been almost two weeks since Justin got out of the hospital and he was, overall, doing great with his new treatment and regimen, despite getting a bit sicky sometimes, it was nothing too major. Scooter and Allison had planned his schedules so he wouldn't get himself overwhelmed and have the time to rest and take care of his body. He did all the scheduled concerts with not much problem at all, but a break came at the perfect moment. Scooter noticed Justin getting a bit more tired on the last three days and was thankful that he had the week off.

Right now, they were boarding the private jet back to L.A, where Justin would spend the next few days. Pattie had some commitments there so the timing was great, but after the break, she would, unfortunately, go back to her own life and leave the tour. The crew worried a little as Justin always felt homesick after his mom spent time with him on tour and couldn't continue, but after the break, a well-rested Justin would take everything much more easily. At least, they hoped.

"I'm hungry, do we have some Doritos?"- Justin asked, pressing the button so his seat would turn in a small bed, laying down right after it- "Forget it, I feel queasy".

They all instantly looked at him.

"Are you feeling sick?"- Allison asked, reaching for his forehead but he flinched away. He looked at her, a bit mad at the sudden reaction.

"I'm not sick, chill"- he answered grumpily- "You guys always freak out for nothing. I'm just queasy from the plane".

"Justin, watch how you talk"- Pattie argued, looking sternly at him- "Stop being disrespectful, Allison is just checking on you".

"Sorry"- he said in a small voice, blushing at his own actions. He just hated how everyone panicked at every little comment he made. Everyone felt kind of sick sometimes, it didn't mean he was actually sick, but every time he would say something like: 'my head hurts' or 'I'm tired, they would freak out and make Laura examine every little part of him. Today, he didn't feel great, but he wouldn't say anything. He knew they would make a huge deal out of just a bit of indisposition.

"Baby, are you sure you're alright?"- Hailey whispered only for Justin to hear, not wanting to draw more attention- "The plane is not even moving yet, how are you sick from traveling?"

"I'm okay"- he frowned, covering himself with a blanket- "Can we just watch a movie together?"

She nodded and he scooted closer to her, lowering the division between the seats so they could cuddle. Hailey connected to the plane's Wi-fi and logged on to Netflix. She picked Grown Ups as Adam Sandler's movies were always their go-to. Hailey reached to get a Passionfruit Lacroix, before letting Justin hug her all he wanted. After a while, she noticed she was giggling at the movie by herself, as her husband fell into a deep well- needed sleep.

The plane ride wasn't long at all, four hours were done so easily compared to how they were used to 12- 14- hour flights. The pilot let them know that they were almost there, and Hailey went to wake Justin up so they could sit straight for landing.

"Baby, we're almost landing. We've got to sit up"- she whispered, caressing his cheeks. He opened his eyes slowly, a wave of drowsiness making him tired. When he finally got back to being fully awake, his stomach heaved.

"I-I'm going to be sick"- he mumbled, and Hailey quickly grabbed a small white plastic bag from under her seat. She opened it and placed it in front of Justin's mouth. Just in time, he started to vomit inside the bag.

"Oh, dear"- Pattie frowned, standing up from her seat to rub his back. Scooter looked worried as Mama Jan said that she knew something was up. Allison took some baby wipes from her purse and gave it to Hailey, so Justin could wipe his mouth.

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