08: Hospital

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"Hi, honey"- the triage's brunette nurse said as soon as Justin was laid on the stretcher inside the small examination room- "I'm going to take your vitals until the doctor comes, okay? My name's Emma. I know you're not feeling the best, but the doctor will make you feel all better, alright? Tell me if you need something or if you feel any discomfort."

The private examination room was quite small, but very well equipped. The stretcher that Justin was laying on was almost a bed, covered in light blue sheets. There was a white leather lounge chair to the right, where Pattie sat down, Hailey stood up next to her, caressing Justin's head as the nurse proceed to take a few things from the wire shelf that held a bunch of organizing transparent bins filled with thermometers, cotton balls, needles, catheters, or any kind of instrument the nurse may need. A minute later, she walked to Justin, pulling a white compact storage cart with her, after placing a silver tray on top of it.

"Excuse me, honey. Let me just wrap this around your arm"- she said, smiling all the time as she placed a blood pressure cuff around his biceps- "It will give you a hug, okay? Only for a while, just relax"

After checking his blood pressure, she took his temperature with an ear thermometer, listened to his heart and breath, and looked at his ears, eyes, and throat. Justin was very uncomfortable and kept swallowing hard to control his tears, but every now and then, a cry escaped him. The nurse registered everything on her computer before placing a fluffy blue blanket on top of Justin's shivering body.

"Alright, I think I've got everything I need. I've been informed that he already got a personal nurse, is that right?"- Pattie and Hailey both nodded- "Okay, she's already with the doctor taking a look at his files and reporting all the medication that he's on. I believe that they will be here shortly"

"Thank you so much"- Pattie said and the nurse smiled at her, nodding her head before directing her attention back to Justin.

"Honey, can I do anything else for you?"- she asked but he shook his head, rubbing his eyes to conceal that he was crying- "Poor baby. Tell me if you need anything, okay? You'll be just fine in no time, hon. You'll see. Get well, alright?"

With that, nurse Emma left the room, leaving Pattie, Hailey, and a sobbing Justin. Everyone else had to wait outside because the room was going to be too crowded, and the nurses didn't want to overwhelm Justin. There was only time for Hailey to peck his boiling lips before the doctor came in, followed by Laura.

He shook Pattie and Hailey's hands before directing himself at the poor boy on the stretcher: "Hi, Mr. Bieber. I'm doctor Martin"- Justin barely shook his hand before curling up in a ball, small sobs escaping his mouth- "I just took a look at all of your files and your nurse filled me up on your symptoms, I'll make you feel better, okay?"

Justin nodded small and the doctor patted his shoulder.

"Why are you crying? Is there anything I can do to make you a bit more comfortable before I look at you?"- he asked with a smile, trying to understand what all the crying was about.

"I-I don't feel g-good"- Justin bawled and the doctor frowned.

"I know, buddy. But are you in pain? Where does it hurt? I need to know what you're feeling so I can give you something to alleviate it"

"I'm s-so cold and everything hurts"- Justin took a few breaths to calm himself down before speaking- "My h-head, my stomach, my w-whole body".

"Are you feeling nauseous or does your stomach hurts like cramping up?"- Dr. Martin said, slipping some gloves on and slowly pulling Justin's hoodie up so he could press on his belly.

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