Chap 3. Donnie's gifts

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A mutant silverfish was eating garbage. You had begged to tag along and after what you did with the paper soldiers you were allowed but they were still weary.

Raph:"Okay, mutant sliverfish, you've eaten peoples laundry for the last time!"

Raph hit the sliverfish and it split into two sliverfish.

Raph:"what the?" He attacked it again and it kept splitting and would double the amount of them. Donnie flew in.

Donnie:"Hey raph everytime you smash them, they just split in two!"

Raph:"I know! Isn't it cool?"

You sighed.

Donnie:"think raph, think."

Raph:"oh... I guess it does double the problem."

You fell asleep against the wall and Donnie went over and shook you to wake you up.

Raph:"which means double the smashing!"

The sliverfish attacked raph and you had fallen back asleep. (It's for plot reasons I swear.)

Mikey:"I got you raph! This situation calls for a dose of my psych acrobatics!"

He hit a wall and fell into the garbage.

Donnie:"oh boy.."

You snorted and sliverfish crawled in you.

Leo:"I got you Mikey." He slashed a fire hydrant and water sprayed out.

Leo:"looks like this fish are... *Chuckles* wait for it, you're gonna love this. All washed up!"

Mikey and raph did a little hand thingy and Mikey said "BOO"

Leo:"okay, okay, okay. how about this: those bugs are so wet-"

Donnie:"uh Leo..."

The fish attacked everyone and you were still asleep while the fish picked you up and attacked the others.

Donnie:"ugh this is getting old." He flew down and his flying thingy compressed itself.

He device changed into a cannon/gun thingy and shit balls at the fish causing them to drop you(and run) and you wake up.

Mikey:"mission accomplished!"

[Name]:"huh- what happened?"

You said while Mikey helped you up off the ground.

Raph:"nice hustle, Donnie! I knew we could deal with this as a team!"

Donnie:"actually it was, pretty much, just me, but segue, I think I have a little something to kick our skills into high gear!"

A drill came out of the ground but you were asleep leaning on Mikey. (I swear it has plot convince.)

"What the what?"

Mikey:"it's beautiful!" He ran twords the drill causing you to wake up but still be half asleep.

Donnie:"no,no,no. Not that."

Leo:"what do you mean 'not that'? That should totally be the thing."

Donnie:"no,no,no. That's just a little- it's in beta. Don't worry about it. The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful and I really hope you like it, 'cause if you don't I will just be crushed!"

Raph:"Donnie, just show it to us."

[Name]:*mumbling*"what's going- on- Hugh." You leaned on raph.

Raph:"aside from that... I'm sure we'll all love it!"

~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger human brother readerWhere stories live. Discover now