Chap 20. Pizza pit

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Raph:"It all started with a scratch."

The music record went round and round. It showed a band of girls.

"This plan is so metal! Gettin bit by those bugs at our show was the best thing that ever happened to this band."

"I just can't wait to get my hands dirty!"


"Once we hit these five spots, everyone'll know the name 'DIGG'!! Band roll call! Honey badger! Silent base enforcer! Ground hog! Drummer by day, wildcard by night! And of course, me! Your fearless leader, Prairie dog!!"

"Dig, dig, did, dog, dig!"


She fell into a hole.

"Sorry, I can't help myself. I just gotta dig!"

"The acoustic's in this hole are insane!! Check out my solo!" *Aggressive playing*

Raph still narrating:"The moon was full, like a pig pile of pizza,and that can only mean one thing-"

Raph:"🎵Pizza week!🎶"

Leo:"🎵Pizza week🎶"

Donnie:"🎵Pizza week🎶"

Mikey:"🎵Pizza week!"

[Name]:"🎵Pizza weeeek!!🎶"

You all landed gracefully on the ground.

All:"🎶🎵Pizza weeeek!🎵🎶"

Donnie:"And scene."

[Name]:"Seriously dude. I was gonna say that!"

Raph:"Everybody, set your stomachs to 'I'm not stopping till I explode' mode! It's time we get our pizza on!"

Mikey:"Get ready for the delicious flavors and complex emotions of our first stop, and my personal favorite, Lou Mike toney's pizza!" It exploded right in front of him. "NOOOOO!!!"

Raph:"Where'd it go?"

Leo:"Oh, I think it closed."

Donnie:"My phone says it's open till 10"

"That's on Saturday's, it's Sunday look, it's closed at 9 but it's not 9 yet so."

Mikey:"Who would do this? Why, pizza supreme in the sky?! Why do you test us like this?!? WHY AREN'T YOU GUYS MORE UPSET?"

L,D,R:"Oh" "oh man" "I pssh" "what a tragedy" "this hurts me.."

Donnie:"uh I'm very sad."

Mikey stared at you.

[Name]:"pssh it's no Mike Lou tony mike John's. Plus this is why I save the best for lastttt."

Mikey:"You didn't like Lou mike-toneys?"

Donnie:"Yeah I found a bug once, and that was really it for me." Mikey started sobbing. "Okay! Now that we've all moved on, let's get us some of my favorite, Tony Lou's pizza!!"

[Name]:"Oh damn, it blew up again."


Donnie:"I only pretended to care when it happened to Mikey's favorite place. But now that it's happened to me, I hurt!"

Mikey:"Both our favorite's we're sink holed!" He hugged d.

[Name]:"Haha. Sink holed. New catchfrase? I should totally trademark that.."

~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger human brother readerWhere stories live. Discover now