Education! bonus chap

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When you were but a little child, maybe only six (Donnie would have been 8) you were , to put it lightly, uneducated. Your entire family was made of mutants. Not like it was a bad thing, you just didn't know normal. Your family never really left home. So you didn't either. Donnie was very obviously the only brother if yours that seeked out the 'thrill of education' as he puts it and none of your other brothers seemed to care about getting an education. But you wanted to be educated, so you went to the smartest person in your family to help you.

"You want me to teach you?!!"

[Name]:"Yesss please donnieeeeee PLEASEEE"

He practically squealed. He doesn't have the easiest way of showing emotion, it's quite hard for him actually, but he was thrilled! This was something he was so good at and he was getting recognized for it??? Everyone in the family knew he was the smartest but the fact you wanted to learn made him just so happy! He was an inspirational figure to one of his little brothers!

Don's thoughts:"play it cool d, play it coollll."

Don:"YES OF COURSE. *cough* I mean yeah sure."

[Name]:" YAYYY" You tackled him in a hug, his glasses almost falling off.

He isn't useally one for touch unless he askes or initiates it. But he (reluctantly) hugged you back.

You made a giant cardboard fort and made a sign (with some help from Mikey) that read,"Donnie's cardbord acad3my!" Parts of it were messed up and the e in academy was backwards but it still worked.

[Name]*covering Donnie's eyes*"okayyy d just Abit further andddd" you took your hands off his eyes, "BOOM"

His heart melted. He gave you a hug this time, and Mikey popped in.

Mikey:"I helped!"

Donnie pat both of your heads.

Don had you do presentations in front of the family sometimes for school. You would wear a little suit and present whatever topic you had to do. Your family had pictures of it.

[Name]:"and that's why global warming is bad! And real."

Donnie:"BRAVO! Excellent work my pupil!"

Raph:"what's global warming again?"

When you were ten you found out that April went to a real school! She was 14 and in highschool at the time. You wanted to go to a real school. So you decided to invite April and the rest of your family to your presentation.

Leo:"Donnie what did you make [name] do a presentation on now?"

Donnie:"uhh" he used his watch and pulled up a calendar and didn't see any for a few months so. "...nothing? I don't have one planned. Oh is he doing extra credit?!"

Mikey:"maybe he wants to tell us something." He didn't look up from his drawing.

Raph:"huh wonder what it is."

^small time skip to presentation^

You made a dramatic entrance.

[Name]:"hello dearest family!" And yes you count April as family. She's like and older sister to you!

[Name]:"This is an important presentation on why," you pressed at button and the slide show switched to the next slide, "I should go to regular school!" You did mini jazz hand while your family (minus April) stared in shock.

Raph:"[name] your presentations are cute and all but in going to have to say no on this! It's not safe."

[Name]:"But April goes to school! Why can't I?"


Mikey ran up and hugged you. (Drama king)

Mikey:"What if you forget about us!"

[Name]:"from what I've gathered school doesn't work like that-"

D:"curse me. I taught you to well and now you use my own ways against me!"

[Name]:"D it's not personal... I just am tired of being cooped up! You guys know I'm the only human here, other than April, and I've never had anything normal in my entire life! So I'm sorry, for wanting something normal."

You pushed Mikey off of you and stormed out.

(Side note, you are ten in this current bit, so if you seem irrational, that's why. Also since I can't make this perfect for every reader I made [name] like me. I didn't know how to manage my emotions when I was ten, so you don't either<3 sorry lolz)

Your family stood (or sat) in shock.

April:"... Why won't you guys let him go to school?"

Leo:"well it just- how would it even- *sigh* donnie back me up here."

Donnie:"how would we even send him to school? Or enroll him? Or-or- what if it's not safe!"

Raph:"Yeah! He's extremely vulnerable and what if people use that to hurt him."

April:"he's a good kid. He'd get by just fine. And if he does get bullied I could just beat em up! But I'm sure we could find some way to enroll him, and I could take him to school?"

Splinter:"yes he should get an education."

D:"But he was getting an education!" He frowned.

Splinter:"my decision is finalized" he then fell asleep. He probably only agreed to the education to get you out of the way. Idk lol.

Mikey:"but- but- what if he makes friends and doesn't want us as his brothers anymore" he was shaking.

April:"please. He has the coolest brothers in the world! I'm sure he just wants to get out more. He could never replace you, and knowing him, I don't think he would want to."

Leo:"I guess that makes sense..."

Donnie:"ughhhhh" he sighed. "was I not teaching him well enough?.."

Raph:"I'm sure it's not like that." He pat donnies head.


You all eventually made up and April would take you to school! You didn't have many friends and you would ask Donnie for help with homework, and Mikey for help with art class. They were proud of you! And they would be jealous of you going to school but they didn't really want to learn. Except for Donnie. He was really jealous until one day you came home crying because a teacher got mad at you for already knowing everything about was she was teaching, and correcting her. He realized he was too smart for school anyway.


(A/n: sorry for not uploading as much. School sucks, so here's a chapter about school. This was pretty fun to write! Chapter 8 is Coming soon though don't worry! Hope you enjoyed this though! Love all<3)

~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger human brother readerWhere stories live. Discover now