Chapter 12 - This I Promise You

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Steve spent the whole night silently watching Natasha. She was tossing and turning in her sleep, occasionally whimpering for help. Each time Steve would tighten his hold on her and murmur soft words of assurance, letting her know that she was safe. And immediately, Natasha would curl up closer and snuggled into his chest.

He kept his vigilant eyes on her the entire time and made sure she knew he was there with her.


Natasha felt really tired when she woke up in the morning. Her head was heavy as if it had been hit by a ton of bricks. She couldn’t sleep last night. Her mind kept replaying the horrific images of what that creepy guy did to her. She was hoping it was all just a nightmare, but the memory felt too real.

The only thing that chased away the awful feelings was the warmth of Steve’s arms wrapping securely around her body. His presence reminded her that she was safe, and that no one could harm her.

Opening her eyes slowly, she found Steve staring back at her with his bright blue eyes. And despite the dark circles under his eyes, he gave her a kind smile in greeting.

“Morning, darling.” He said, kissing her softly on the forehead.

“Morning.” Natasha faked a chirpy voice, but Steve knew better.

“You don’t sound fine at all, love.”

“Just... nightmare.”

“I know.” He kissed her forehead again, “I know... something happened last night but it didn’t go that far, Natasha. You’re safe now so you don’t need to be afraid.”

She knew he was right. Nothing bad actually happened and she was safe now. But she couldn’t stop herself from thinking if something did happen to her. What if? What if things did go that far and she really was damaged? Would Steve still stay? Would he still want her?

What happened last night made Natasha question Steve’s affection towards her. True that they slept together almost every night, gave each other loving kisses, and even took turns to cook for the other. Still, she was beginning to wonder about Steve’s real feelings for her, if he truly cared for her.

They hadn’t exactly said those three little words yet. It was still too early in the relationship. But she needed to know that Steve wanted her, and would never leave her. Natasha couldn’t ask him. She was afraid that she would lose him if she brought these questions up.

“Did you get any sleep last night?” Avoidance. Always the easier option.

Steve smiled fondly at the woman in his arms, fully aware of her trying to change the subject. He would let her have this one.

“I couldn’t sleep. I was worried about you.”

“Oh, Steve….” She cupped his cheek and looked at him, “You don’t have to worry. I’m fine, really.”

“But…” He was stopped by her mouth on his. Natasha intentionally distracted him and kept kissing him until she felt his lips moving with hers. His hands held her small form tight as he let her take control of the kiss.

Pulling away slightly, she said, “I’m hungry.”

“I’ll make you breakfast.” Steve smiled and carried her out to the kitchen. He placed her on the stool and went to prepare their meal.

The more Steve was being attentive and caring, the more Natasha felt she didn’t deserve his love. She couldn’t help but feeling she was no longer worthy of it all. Steve had been the only one who ever touched her that way, but now everything changed. She felt defective. And although Steve assured her it wasn’t a big deal, Natasha saw something in his eyes that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. She was indeed worried.

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