Chapter 1

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Harley Swan P.O.V.

After mom left, he changed, not for worse though. When dad was with mom he was very closed off with his feelings, very unaffectionate, and not a very huggy type of person. The dad I was raised by is very loving, caring, and all around great. He even learned how to cook with me. Some things were harder than others, but we grew as people together. He taught me so much, and I like to think that I taught him a lot too.

Do not get me wrong, I do not harbor any resentment towards my mother, he was a different person back then and she did what was best for her. I respect that she was able to know when it was time for her to leave. Her relationship with Phil is, I think, what she wanted and needed. I am also glad that the courts allowed my sister and I to both be with one of our parents. I believe that made it easier for both of them.

Since Bella and I were raised apart from each other and had almost completely the same custodial agreements we never had a chance to form a very strong relationship. We barely ever saw each other until she refused to come stay here during summers. After that choice I decided to only visit for the two weeks that dad visited her. I did not like being stuck there anyways, I love the cold a little more than I enjoy the heat of Arizona. We still are not that close, but we have been able to actually talk and bond a little now.

Tomorrow she will be back here, in Forks, living with us. From my understanding mom wants to travel with Phil for his minor league career. Bella does not want to hold mom back anymore, since mom never wanted to leave Bella home alone for long periods of time.

Let us refocus on the now though. Currently dad and I are making some steak for dinner. We had a pleasant conversation throughout the cooking and devouring of our meals. I think he is a little stressed about tomorrow and overthinking how to act around Bella. He ended up surprise purchasing a truck for her because he wants to try and seem like a more gracious host and make her feel more welcome in our home. Although it could also be because he wanted to be fair since he bought my car for me as a 16th birthday present. That car is my pride and joy, she's a fully restored black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. I have since purchased myself a 2001 Ducati 750 Supersport. (A/N: I know NOTHING about motorcycles please don't come for me)

After much convincing I was able to force Charlie to go up to bed while I cleaned up. He needed the extra sleep for tomorrow more than I needed help with the dishes. It only took me a half hour and then I was able to head upstairs and up the ship ladder to my attic conversion bedroom. After closing the trap door, I walked over to my en suite to brush my teeth. When I walked out, I turned around the corner to face my built-in wall closet. The built in is against the wall of my bathroom. I changed into some shorts and threw on an oversized t-shirt. Then I crawled into my bed and picked up my book to read to relax before bed. My dad and I built this space together, with the help of Billy and Jacob Black, after Bella and I outgrew sharing a bedroom.

 My dad and I built this space together, with the help of Billy and Jacob Black, after Bella and I outgrew sharing a bedroom

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When I rolled over and woke up the next morning, I already knew that today was going to completely suck

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When I rolled over and woke up the next morning, I already knew that today was going to completely suck. Once again, was running a crazy fever. Ever since I was young, I would have issues with super high fevers, ones that should kill me, and these wacky flu symptoms. The weirder part was, I am not sick, I do not get colds or the flu. There were seizures too, not very often but sometimes. Dad has taken me to the ER a few times, but eventually we just stopped going because no doctors have been able to figure out any reason why I would be dealing with this. Dad was even thinking of taking me to see witch doctors. I convinced him not to because they go away after a day or two. I picked up my Blackberry 6200 off my bed and called my dad's direct line for the station, he picked up on the fourth ring.

"Chief Swan, how can I help you?"

"Hey dad, it's Harley. I'm running another fever so you're going to have to pick up Bella by yourself today. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize sweetheart, it's fine. Get some rest and when you wake up, I'll make you some soup. Does chicken noodle sound good? Or do you want chicken dumpling instead?"

"Chicken dumpling sounds wonderful. Thanks dad, goodnight. I love you."

"You're welcome sweetheart. I love you too, sleep well."

I hung up and fell back asleep wrapped in my comforter. Ever since I started getting these weird sicknesses, dad started to learn how to perfect soup, even making some from scratch. I woke up when I heard dad and Bella get home, but I fell back asleep for a while longer. When I woke up again, I sent my dad a quick text letting him know I was awake.

A short while later dad came up into my room and passed me a bowl of soup. He kissed my forehead and then left, closing the door behind him. I gently slurped on my soup, still wrapped up in my comforter. Once I finished, I crawled down my bed and set the now empty bowl by the trap door against the wall. I got up and used the bathroom then decided to take a small bath. After my bath, I brushed my teeth and threw on some clean pajamas. Then I got back in bed and went back to sleep.

When I woke up, I realized that it was morning, so I got up and got ready for school. I was feeling so much more like myself that day. I took a quick shower and got dressed in some jeans and a Nirvana band t-shirt. I also grabbed my helmet and my leather jacket off their respective hooks. On my way out of my room I quickly snatched my phone and wallet off my bed and grabbed my soup bowl. I closed the door behind me and headed down to the kitchen where Charlie sat sipping his coffee.

"Morning hun, feeling better?"

"Morning dad, mostly yeah. I feel well enough to go to school."

"Alright well, in that case, there's some coffee in the pot and I have scrambled eggs and toast sitting on the counter."

I took one of the plates of food off the counter and poured myself a cup of coffee then sat down at the table with dad. We made some small talk while we ate and then dad had to leave for work. I waited a bit longer then put on my jacket. On my way out the door I grabbed a water bottle, my backpack, and keys. I hopped down off the ledge into the driveway and pulled the cover off my motorcycle. My motorcycle gets parked against the ledge wall in the driveway and my car was in the garage. I slipped on my helmet and started up my bike, noticing that Bella was still here, no biggie I was leaving early anyways.

On my way to the school, I embraced the cool breeze. My body temperature has always been so hot. I took the liberty of riding around a little extra before I went to the school. When I got there, Bella had just pulled into a regular parking spot with her ridiculously loud truck. I pulled into one of the parking spots and cut my engine, then made my way to my first period.

My schedule went 12th grade English, Math, Biology, Gym, Lunch, Spanish, and Government. My English class was taught by Mr. Berty, a man I shamelessly admit to not liking. I slipped off my jacket and took my seat next to my boyfriend, Jasper Hale-Cullen. Sending a smile to Rosalie and Emmett, which they returned. Outside of their family, I was one of the few people they actually liked. All my morning classes went by in a breeze, which brought me to lunch.

I was the first of most of the students to arrive and quickly rushed through the line, grabbing myself a sandwich, apple, and water. I slouched into my seat at the Cullen table and stretched out my legs. While I waited for them to arrive, I started snacking on my food.

A/N: The first edited chapter!!!!!!! I'm so excited to be fixing this story and then hopefully continuing it after I finish all the chapters. Most of this chapter is the same but I did add a lot of new details and, I think, made it all more comprehensible. I hope everyone enjoys this improved chapter! Thank you all again for your continued support!

*UNDER MAJOR EDITING* Bella Swan's Sister (Twilight Fanfic) (Jasper Hale Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now