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During the elevator ride down, I tried thinking of a plan. To interrogate the Bad Guys, I needed to talk to them in private. If I even talked about what I figured out, the guards would probably label me as a lunatic of some sort. Besides, the Bad Guys were only recently incarcerated, so interrogation was not available.

I straightened my tie as I thought about it. Perhaps when I would arrive, I would tell them it was an emergency? Article 10 of the SCUM manual said that in emergency situations, absolutely everything had to be done to stop the threat. Alright, I'll go with that.

A thunderstorm brewed over the horizon, darkening the sky with gray clouds. It was going to rain soon. Most spiders had ombrophobia, the fear of rain, and I was no exception. The water could drown me, carry me down a drain, or something else equally as disastrous like lightning.

Trying to ignore it, I filled out the form needed to enter...the SCUM prison. A true marvel of security, it had multiple steel doors, with only one way in, even for tiny animals like myself, because of the detector lasers inside the vents. There was only one door in or out guarded by several automatic turrets with advanced facial recognition tech. There were over a thousand people stationed there, all of them having years of experience.

Hmm? The Bad Guys weren't there yet? They were being transported there right now? They said that I would arrive at approximately the same time as them...what a drag.

After I arrived and waited a few hours on the docks for the ship to come, I had finally gotten on the island.

It was dark, a storm looming over the sky. I tried remaining my composure, but I couldn't help but feel frightened at the same time. I took out an umbrella as I made my way up the stairs, looking at the main prison area.

It looked rather strange on the outside, like some weird looking microscope, or a laser from one of those science fiction shows. The paint, or what was painted, had long been worn off, with only a few streaks of paint remaining. The only thing that remained were the giant letters on the front.

The steel gate slammed shut behind me, as I closed my umbrella, flicking the rain off of it. The lights turned red, as an alarm played out for a few seconds, before the facial recognition shut it off. The metal doors slid open, revealing a nest of prisoners, with thousands of doors, and a roof that seemed to spiral upwards with no end in sight. Surprisingly, everyone was silent.

The prisoners were extremely quiet. Usually, it was loud, with hundreds of people there at a time. SCUM was another government agency, basically a cheaper, less efficient and effective FBI. They relied on local law enforcement to bag criminals, instead of assassins and special teams. It wasn't subtle either. What kinda name was Super Crazy Ultra Max? People thought they just wanted a cool acronym.

It took them years to even get close to catching the Bad Guys, which is why bigger agencies had to intervene.

I thought of telling the government of Marmalade's plan, but they wouldn't be interested in smaller events such as this. Rich people were going to be rich, and money was just a paper strip. It was replaceable. The economy would barely change, and nothing would happen.

Assassination with a rifle would take too much time. What could help in this situation?

"Excuse me, are you Y/N L/N?"

I was snapped out of my thinking by a voice. In front of me was a middle aged woman, blonde hair in a ponytail, holding a notepad.

"You must be young. And you work in a max security prison? Must be stressful," I read the tag on her shirt. The shirt was slightly dirty, with a stain on her sleeve. It annoyed me, the stain, but I tried remaining calm.

Creepy Crawlies (Ms. Tarantula x Spider!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now