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The next day, I was far from calm.

They were tricking me? Normally this would anger me far less, but the pure insolence of the group was making me far angrier. Was the whole thing their plan? 

Well, a scuffle, and it's back to killing people, again. This would normally be a relief, but...

At the hotel, I looked at my bottle of wine, in my dark hotel room. As I poured myself a bit more, I wondered what could have happened if I didn't mess around, if I had never given them that chance. Criminals were still nothing but criminals, I guess. 

The champagne tasted different now, tasting of grapes instead of the usual. Must have been some sort of a mistake. I had actually thought they could change, but the crew was quite convincing. 

The Bad Guys were pretty easy to see through, well, at least their motive was. They were striking back at society for casting them out...a cause I admittedly liked. I had difficulty even getting the chance for the job, even after the equal opportunity act between the animals and the humans in 1964, the humans still feared the animals. 

I scraped the venom off my teeth, throwing the tissue in the trash bin. Though, I suppose humanity's reason for wariness around them made sense too. Animals were dangerous, with venom, teeth, claws, horns, even frogs with their strange poison. Many evolutionary traits were still present, despite them having essentially no use anymore.

Many sleepless nights came from this divergence. 

Although...weren't the Bad Guys just confirming their fear and suspicions? Giving them the reason to fight back? Proving them right by throwing away the chance to change?

It was truly unfortunate. 

However, one thing bothered me.

The issue was that I saw Wolf run up to Diane, slipping her something, a note maybe? Was Diane involved in this? Was this part of their master plan? Manipulate me to leave me in the dust? It did work, and they would have stolen it, if it weren't for that taunting message, might have never caught them.

What would Diane have to do with this whole mystery? The possibilities were a lot. Blackmail? 

Some sort of blackmail was an interesting scenario. What could Diane be trying to hide, something that she wanted to desperately hide? There was some information that was reserved for the higher ups of the Federal agency, including the personal history of governors.

If blackmail was possible, it was impossible to know, requiring extensive history on Diane, and a way to access that information, which was essentially impossible, as it existed as a physical folder, not in the FBI's database, where even I did not know.

However, she allowed the project to continue, even after she was way too ticked off to even talk to. Did Wolf do something to her at the time frame I was distracted? If this was true somehow, what could they have done to change her mind? 

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